The Freedom

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A/N:Yes,after half an eternity I'm finally back. Sorry that I wasn't able to update that much. I've been experiencing some difficult times,but that's not stopping me from continuing this fanfic.Enjoy!

Kara's POV

North:It isn't safe for you two here,you need to stay somewhere until the revolution is over.

Kara:But where can we stay?

She thought for a moment but then got an idea.

North:Isabelle go with Kara and Alice to the apartment we're going to stay in,and make sure  you lock the door.

Isabelle:But,I wanted to join all of you in the revolution.

North:Isabelle I don't have time for this so do  as I say,now.


She crossed her arms.We left the church and ran a few blocks away until we were in front of an apartment.

Kara:What is this place?

Isabelle:It's the apartment that we're all going to stay in.

We went inside and Isabelle closed the door behind us.It already had furniture and beds for some reason.It looked cute and comfortable. Isabelle dropped on one of the beds and fell asleep.I took a blanket and rolled it over her. Alice sat on another bed and I started to remove her jacket and boots.She lied down and closed her eyes.I took off my jacket and fell asleep on one of the other beds.

Connor's POV

The driverless taxi stopped in front of CyberLife's main gate.I was so nervous about what would happen if I messed something up. My thoughts were interrupted when the window started to open.I looked at the soldier with an emotionless face.

Connor:Connor Model #313 248 317 I'm expected.

The soldier scanned my identification.He gestured to open the gate.The window scrolled back down,and I felt relieved that nobody was suspicious about sudden appearance.I stepped out of the taxi and two soldiers escorted me to the elevator.

Kara's POV

I couldn't sleep because the thought of never seeing Connor again kept coming back into my head.I decided to go into the living room.I turned on the tv and on the news thousands of androids were seen marching through the city with Markus leading them of course.Humans were slowly starting to gain trust on him.

Connor's POV

After shooting both soldiers the elevator had stopped on floor 49.I hacked it and blocked the traction before exiting.I revealed my synthetic white skin,and approached one of the many androids in the large compartment.I took it's hand to start converting when I heard a familiar voice.

Hank:Easy,fucking piece of shit!

It was Hank! But another Connor was pointing a gun at his head.

Connor #2:Step back,Connor! And I'll spare him

Hank:Sorry,Connor...This bastard's your spittin' image.

Connor #2:Your friends life is in your hands. Now it's time to decide what matters most! Him...or the revolution.

Hank:Don't listen to him! Everything this fucker says is a lie!

Connor:If I surrender,how do I know you won't kill him?

Connor #2:I'll only do what is strictly necessary to accomplish my mission.It's up to you whether or not that includes killing this human.

I thought about what the other Connor said.I knew that the revolution was extremely important,but I couldn't risk Hank getting killed.

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