The Confession

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A/N:In the summary for this story I wrote that I didn't want anyone commenting that they don't support this ship,but that didn't mean I don't want anyone commenting,so I'd like to see your thoughts on this story as long as there are no hate comments.

Kara's POV

Kara:Oh,you're home!

Hank:I forgot you two were here,where's Connor?

Kara:He said he had to go to CyberLife,sit down,dinner's ready.

Hank:Kara,you didn't have to.

Kara:It's my way of saying thank you for helping me and Alice.

Hank sat down at the table,and I put down a bowl of soup.


Hank:Wow,you sure do know how to cook.

Kara:Thanks,I'm glad you like it.

My eyes looked towards Alice's direction,she was watching the rain pour from the window.

Kara:Alice,do you want to come and eat?

Alice: I'm not hungry.

Kara:Okay,if you need anything let me know.

I kneeled down next to her and hugged her.

Alice:Thanks Kara.

I got up and went into the bathroom,and looked at myself in the mirror.My eyes drifted to my uniform,it was comfortable and the glowing letters distracted me.My pants and shoes blended in nicely.My blonde hair was in a neat bun,and made me look pretty.I wonder if Connor thinks the same thing.I giggled.What is he doing to my system?Every time I think about him I get this weird feeling.I remember the first time I heard his name,Connor.I need to stop thinking so much,it's draining my energy.Maybe a shower might help.I then looked at my slightly dirty uniform.And washing my clothes might also be good as well.


Alice was laying in bed,ready for me to tuck her in.

Kara:Goodnight Alice.

I pulled the blanket over her,and kissed her forehead.I got up to turn off the lights,when I heard Alice's soft voice.

Alice:Leave it on.

Kara:Alice,there's nothing to be afraid of.I'll be right outside,okay?


I turned off the lights and went into the living room.

Hank:You're a good guardian,unlike me.

Kara:What do you mean?

I sat down at the table next to Hank and he started to talk.

Hank:Me and my wife Nicole met in high school.We got married and she got pregnant.
But she died after giving birth.I named my son Cole after his mother,he was the only part of her left.He died shortly after he turned six.
Loosing him,was like loosing everything. It was all my fault.When I saw Alice she reminded me so much of him.

Kara:I'm so sorry for your loss.

Hank:It's okay.You never told me about your past.

I looked down,but started to talk.

Kara:Alice's father was beating her,when I saw what was happening,something snapped inside of me.All of a sudden I felt like her life was more important than mine.I had to protect her.

Hank:Good thing you killed that bastard.

Kara:He isn't important anymore,what's important is that Alice is safe.

Hank:You look tired,you should get some rest.

Kara:You're right.

I got up and was headed to the living room, when Hank spoke up.

Hank: Kara


Hank:Take good care of Alice,alright?

Kara:Of course I will.

Accidentally In Love ( Connor x Kara )Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora