The Desperation

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Connor's POV

Connor:They're going to attack Jericho.


Connor:We have to get out of here!


He quickly ran out of the room,and I followed behind him.

Kara's POV

I was sitting next to Alice and heard something that made me look up.

Alice:Kara,what's happening?

Kara:Quick,we've got to get out of here.

I took Alice's hand and started running.I found Isabelle and quickly ran up to her.

Kara:Isabelle,what's going on?!

Isabelle:I don't know,I have to find Markus.

I continued running through Jericho.Since I was so panicked I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and bumped into someone.I looked up and it was Connor.


Connor:C'mon,we have to get out of here.

He stared leading us towards an exit.After a while we finally found a way out of Jericho and jumped into the river.We swam for a bit and quickly made onto land.

Connor:Where do we go now Markus?

Markus:There's an abandoned church not to far away from here.We can make it there without any soldiers seeing us,but we have to move fast.

We followed Markus and kept a close eye on our surroundings to make sure nobody was following us.We arrived at the old church and looked around.Connor was leaning against a wall and I was sitting next to Alice trying to keep her warm.I heard footsteps approaching my direction,it was Isabelle.

Isabelle:Are the two of you okay?

Kara:Yeah we're fine.How are the others?

Isabelle:I believe they're doing okay.

I gained enough confidence and decided to tell Isabelle about my crush on Connor.



Kara:What would you do if you were in love with someone,but they didn't feel the same way about you?

Isabelle:Honestly,I don't know.Why?

Kara:It's because...I'm in love with Connor.

Isabelle:The ex-deviant hunter?

Kara:Yeah.Do you think he would ever love someone like me?

Isabelle:I don't know,do you think he likes you?

Kara:Well,sometimes I feel like there should be something more between us,but sometimes I don't know how to feel about it.

Isabelle:Even if he doesn't like you it's his loss because he's missing his chance to be with a wonderful girl like you.

I hugged Isabelle and we started talking about important things.And apparently she has a crush on Nathan.After a few minutes we were interrupted by Markus who was going to make an announcement.

Markus:Humans have decided to exterminate us.Our people are packed in camps right now,
being destroyed.Time has come to make a choice,one that very well may determine the future,of our people.I know...I know you're all angry.And I know you want to fight back.But I assure you that violence is not the answer here. We are going to tell them peacefully that we want justice.I there's any humanity in them, they will listen.And if not,others will take our place and continue this fight.Are you ready to follow me?

Everyone started cheering.I then saw Connor leave the himself.I was a bit suspicious so I went to go ask North about it.

Kara:North? Where is Connor going?

North:He's going to infiltrate the CyberLife Tower.

I got a look of shock and terror on my face.

Kara:What?! Why?!

North:To get more androids to join us.


He's going to get himself killed! I didn't even get to say goodbye to him.I don't want to lose him.I was happy that we were soon going to be free,but not so happy about the thought loosing the love of my life.

A/N:Sorry that I haven't been able to update so much.I feel like I'm doing a crappy job on the chapters so far,but I promise they will get better.Stay sweet my candy cubs!

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