The New Begining

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Kara's POV

Hank and Connor walked through the front door,and Sumo approached his owner.

Connor:I have the location of Jericho,you two will be safe now.

Kara:Y-You found the location of Jericho?Connor,t-that's wonderful!

That's what I said,but in reality I felt like I was about to burst into tears.I wanted to spend more time with him,but it's over.

Connor:Here,let me give you the key.

He sat down next to me and held out his arm. Our forearms blanched,and I wanted him to stay next to me forever.

Kara:Do we leave now?

Hank:The faster the better,we don't want the police to find out about you.

I stayed silent for a moment.

Connor:We had a Deal,Kara.You were a great help in this investigation,but now you have to go.

Kara:I'll wake up Alice,and we'll get our things.

Hank:Here,this should help you get through.

He put a stack of money in hands.


Without thinking,I leaped off the couch and hugged him.He hugged back,and felt like I was about to cry.

Hank:Here,I want you to have this.

He gave me a locket necklace.It had pearls and looked like it was made of  real sapphire.

Hank:It belonged to Nicole,she got it from her mother and she wanted to have a daughter to pass it down to.

Kara:Hank,thank you...

Words just couldn't describe how grateful I felt to have met Hank.I woke up Alice and we gathered our things.We got in the car,and drove to our location.

Hank:I'll miss you,Kara.

He kneeled down to Alice and gave her a hug.

Hank:Alice,you remind me of someone really important to me.Don't let anyone take that away from you,okay?

She slightly nodded.He wished us all good luck and we started walking towards the large ship. As soon as we entered,an android girl that seemed to be very cheerful,surprised us.

Isabelle:North! North! Look! Another deviant! And a little girl?

Kara:Um,hello,my name is Kara,and this is Alice.

North:Hello,my name is North.Don't mind Isabelle,she just gets really excited when it comes to new deviants.

Kara:No,it's fine.She seems nice.

North:Oh she is.Maybe a little too nice.

I chuckled at her sarcastic joke.

North:Isabelle,I have to do something,be a doll and show them around please.Thank you.

Isabelle:My pleasure!

Accidentally In Love ( Connor x Kara )Where stories live. Discover now