E V E N A's N O T E

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Dear Reader,

I would like to give my sincere thank-you to you for having the interest of somehow opening this story. It means a lot to me. This has been the republished version of the story, since the last one was deleted by an unknown creature who hacked my account. I was a little bit disappointed but still promised to pursue my deep enthusiasm in writing.

I have been wanting my reads, votes and comments back but I guess it will take more time-and I will definitely wait for it. I won't force you to either vote or comment. It's all up to you. After all, a mango is more delicious when it ripens on its own.

Again, thank you. If you encounter grammatical errors and misused of punctuation marks, let me know so that I can make my book free from chaos as possible.

Welcome to the story!


ZODIAC GATES-Beware of the 13th SignWhere stories live. Discover now