Lunch and dirty diapers

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Once josh was cleaned up Tyler made quick work of diapering him and putting a fresh onesie on his boy so they could go back to sleep. Through all this josh clung to his kitten teddy drifting in and out of sleep. It seems maybe the bath had aged josh down even further.

Tyler moves josh up to the top on the bed and under the covers, slipping a pacifier in his mouth as he drifted back to sleep. Once Tyler was sure the baby was asleep he allowed himself to have a few more hours sleep.

A few hours later Tyler woke up to see wide eyes looking back at him.

"Morning little one." Tyler spoke

Josh simple hummed behind the pacifier, slowly moving over to suck himself into tylers arms.

"Aw I've got a cuddly boy on my hands have I."

Josh simply snuggled further into his daddy.

Tyler lifted his arm to check his watch for the time. The clock read 11:14 am, not too late but a nice lie in Tyler thought.

Tylers stomach rumbled, making the both of them jump. Josh looking up at Tyler curiously.

"I think daddy's a bit hungry, I haven't ate properly for a while. What do you say we go and have something to eat bud?"

Josh simply blinked at Tyler making a slight noise in the back of his throws. Tyler took this as a yes, scooping josh up and resting him on his hip as he walked over to the suitcase for the meal supplement for josh to have in is milk,guessing he was too young for any solid food, then through to the kitchen  to the kitchen area.

Tyler decided on making himself some grilled cheese for dinner, he was hungry but he could have a bigger meal later, maybe if he put josh down for a nap.

He placed josh on the couch putting some cartoons on to distract him while he made the meals, hoping he wouldn't be too fussy. Luckily despite his young age josh sat cuddled with his stuffy watching paw patrol.

He popped his sandwiches under the grill and started on making josh's bottle.

It wasn't long before the bottle was cool enough and Tyler moved to sit on the couch with his grilled cheese. He laid josh across his lap feeding him his bottle while taking a bite of his own food once in a while.

Eventually both the meals were finished and Tyler sat rocking josh as he watched paw patrol.

The pair sat like that for a good two hours without any fuss. However that soon ended when josh started to shift and whine a little, turning and grabbing at tylers shirt.

"What's wrong baby?"

Of course josh didn't answer

Tyler sat panicking, not knowing how to help his baby out, he went through trial and error in his head knowing his baby probably wasn't hungry, he might be tired?

"Are you tired baby, want to go take a nap."

Josh whines more at this Tyler taking that as a no.

It wasn't until josh sat back down on tylers knee when he realised how warm that area was,that's it! He needs changing of course how could I be so stupid.

"Okay baby I've got you let's go get you changed." Tyler said, picking josh up and taking him to the bathroom and laying him on a towel. He dug out a diaper and some wipes, unsnapping the onesie and opening the diaper.

Tyler let out a sigh of relief that josh had only wet in his diaper, not sure if he was ready for anything else yet.

He quickly wiped josh's thighs to make sure he wouldn't get sore, adding a bit of talc as he lifted his legs and placed the new diaper underneath him,making quick work to fasten it up.

Josh sighed happily at this, still clinging to his cat stuffy and sucking in his pacifier.

Tyler checked the time, it now being 3 o'clock. He lifted josh off the towel and decided to let him nap for a bit. Josh curled up on the bed and snuggled with the quilt once Tyler put it over him, clearly needing the nap.

Tyler went downstairs deciding to watch a little tv and relax a little. Whilst watching tv Tyler felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, pulling it out to see if it was worth answering he seen falling was texting him.

D- hey man how's it going?

T- it's going good, got josh down for a nap. He's really young at the moment.

D- everything going smoothly? I currently have a fussy 5 year old on my hands.

T- aw man, there's been some little bumps but nothing too major.

D- like what? if you don't mind me asking that is

T- he wet the bed last night and got really upset thinking I was gonna he angry and was stuck thinking he was still with Ryan

D- Ryan was a caregiver? I couldn't see it in him

T- not a good one, he abused josh and took advantage of his regression. Josh is still terrified of him and I want to punch Ryan for upsetting my boy so much.

D- what the fuck, that's not right. I always hated that guy he's so lucky I don't know where he lives. How could someone do that to sweet little joshy

T- my thoughts exactly, it's a learning curve but josh is opening up more and I'm learning how to care for him at different stages

D- that's good, I struggled with gauging brennys age at first but it gets easier with time man

T- thanks man, I'll let you get back to Bren then and I'll get back to my show haha

D-yeah thanks, talk in a bit ty

T- later man

Tyler locked his phone and moved himself to lay down on the couch, watching a new episode of criminal minds, letting himself relax a little before josh woke back up.

After the second episode Tyler felt a tap at his foot. He looked down to see a wide eyed josh looking at him, still with a pacifier and stuffy but seeming older.

Tyler pauses the show waiting to se did josh would talk.

"C'n I sit?" Josh said through his pacifier

At that tylers heart melted as he moved to sit upright with open arms waiting for josh to crawl in.

Smiling josh waddled over to Tyler and sat in his lap.

"Hi daddy." Josh said with a giggle.

"Hi sweetheart, enjoy your nap?"

Josh nodded, cuddling further into his daddy.

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