Chapter 25. A Mistake.

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{Blaire's POV}

Blaire woke up, like any other normal day, and got dressed for school. Her mom's friend was driving her this time because her mom needed to get some things done.

Blaire stumbled sleepily downstairs and grabbed her mask off the kitchen table where she left it last night.

Slipping it on, she fixed cereal and gently lifted the mask to eat. The mask made her feel comfortable and confident and courageous...sometimes angry.m.. it made her feel.... dangerous.

Blaire smiled to herself as she saw Stacy's car pull up. Her mom was still asleep and her dad was somewhere she didn't know.

"Have a good day at school."

Blaire cocked her head and then shrugged and went outside to hug Stacy.

"Hey, lil bug." Stacy hugged her. Blaire smiled.

"Hi!" Blaire said.

"You ready for school?" Stacy asked, getting into the drivers side. Blaire nodded and got into the backseat behind the passenger's seat.

Soon Blaire and Stacy were on the road, driving to her school and chatting.

"So, how's your 'dad' been?" Stacy cringed at the thought of a serial killer being a husband, much less a father.

"He's fine." Blaire said, looking out the window.

It was silent for awhile.

"How're you doing?" Stacy asked. She was trying to ease (Y/n)'s worries of Blaire's violent and disturbing actions.


"Why just 'okay'?" Stacy asked, stopping at a red light.

"I dunno." Blaire shrugged.

"Are you doing well in school?" Stacy continued driving.

"Yeah. The teacher makes me sit in the back of the class sometimes though. And she won't let me use scissors." Blaire said.

"Why?" Stacy asked, her curiosity peaking.

"Because I almost hurt someone." Blaire responded, clearly proud of her actions.

"You... almost hurt someone?" Stacy said.

"Uh yeah." Blaire smiled.


"He said I was weird. So I got my scissors and hurt him. Teacher made me stop though." Blaire said.

"Why haven't your parents heard from the school?" Stacy wandered out loud.

"Because..." Blaire looked directly in the mirror of where Stacy was glancing at to look at her.

"I made sure they didn't." Blaire said in a dark voice.

Stacy blinked and then focused on the road, not saying a word.

Blaire knew what she did and what she could do. Easily manipulating people as well as freaking them out.
She liked doing these things. They were fun to her.

"We're here." Stacy said.

"Thanks." Blaire smiled and got out.

Stacy blinked once again.

"What just... happened?" Stacy rubbed her head and eyes.

"I needed to tell (Y/n) something but... Oh Im sure itll come up again." Stacy shrugged and waved 'bye' to Blaire.

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