Chapter 9. Visiting Town.

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You were on the road for the first time in awhile. Stacy was in the passengers seat, considering it was her car. You called her and asked her to come down there and let you drive her car.

"So, (Y/n), what exactly are you gonna do when you're at your moms?" Stacy asks, reading something on her phone.

"Huh?" You turn a left.

"You gonna tell her that you're dating a serial killer?" Stacy asked.

"Well.....maybe someday. But not now. She might have a heart attack." You shudder.

"Okay well...... tell me a few things. Like are you gonna have a family or just live there, you and him." Stacy asks, trying to start a conversation. It's kind of hard to talk about a killer though.

"I want to, indeed. However I have no clue how we're gonna raise a child." You say honestly, keeping your eyes on the road.

"Yeaaah. But um anyway.." Stacy trailed off.

You finally pulled into your mom's driveway.

"Let's go." Stacy opened the door to the car. You walked in the house with Stacy behind you and your mom hugged you.

"Oof." You breathed as she hugged you tighter.

"Omg, baby are you okay? Are you alright? Oh my God, you're arm!" Your mom looks at the cut Jason had made while killing Lane.

"I'm fine mom. I'm gonna run a camp now in fact." You wheeze, pulling away from the deadly hug.

"By yourself?" She asked, sitting down a couch. "Oh hi, Stacy." She waves.

Stacy waves back happily.

"Um... Stacy and Pat are helping me." You explain.

"But surely there's hard work to be done." Your mom said.

"Yeah. We uh we manage." You try to drop that topic.

"I'll send Mark down with you when you leave." She smiles.
You groan. Mark used to be your babysitter as well as your animal caretaker when you guy's were gone. He was a lousy worker and human being in general.

"Augh Mom, Mark? Really?" You groan.

"Don't argue with me." She said, smiling.

"Mom, I have somebody to help us." You say.


"Yeah." You said.

"Who? A friend? Boyfriend?" Your mom pushes.
Jesus Christ, woman.

"Friend. He's super nice and comes around when I need him." You say.
Your mom asks a few more questions about this 'friend'. Then she dropped it, moving on to a new topic entirely. You silently breathed a breath of relief.


Soon it was time to go, much to your dismay. You missed visiting to your mother.

You and Stacy stopped outside a store and went inside.

You and her loved browsing the clothes, as well as the purses. A woman bumped into you, and you almost slapped her but caught yourself. You stayed away from most humans for awhile that it really took a toll on your interaction skills.

You wander if maybe you should tell your mom about Jason...

This one is short because I wanted to get a chapter out but I have church tonight so I cant really write for very long. Bye guys ilysm

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