Chapter 10. Children!?

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(Quick A/N; I am gonna skip the timestamp to the day BEFORE the children are coming to the camp because I don't wanna bore you guys. I didnt end up going to church because my dad and brother had to herd cows and we got to stay :) so lets dive on in!)

Jason was always keeping a close eye on your since your shopping trip. You got home a little late and that scared Jason making him more overprotective.  You were sitting on the couch watching some stupid show when you heard a knock at the door.

"Come in." You say.

Another knock.

You groan, turn the TV off, and open the door. Jason stood there, holding a body.

"WHAT THE .... JASON?" You jumped back.

He walked in and flopped the body down on the ground and then leaned against the wall. You looked closer and saw who it was.



You looked at your ex-friend who had a huge scrape on her head.

"What happened?" You ask, picking her up by the arm and dragging her to the couch.

"She was snooping around. Didn't like that." Jason shrugs, looking at your face.

"She deserves it. I don't normally like violence but uh she deserved this. And if she wakes up and acts like a bitch let me handle her." You growl, making Jason roll his eyes at the irony.

You got some cold water in a cup and splashed it on Joe's face. She  woke up and glanced at you.

"(Y/n)? Hey look-"

You punched her in the face, pissed.

"Remember how you LEFT me to die? I mean... I didn't die but if Jason wasn't so nice I WOULD BE DEAD." You snap, punching her again.

"Stop!" Joe screeched. Then she fought back with a punch right in your face and she shoved you back on the floor.

"Oh you did not just do that." You jump up.

"Maybe I did."

You throw yourself on Joe and started smacking her and punching her.
You felt yourself being lifted up and thrown over Jason over his shoulder, and putting his foot on Joe's stomach so she wouldn't get up and try to get you or run away.

"What-what do you want?!" You hiss, trying to get off Jason's shoulder.

"I wanted to come and get something Amy left behind!" Joe snapped, trying to move Jason's boot off.

Jason never said a word. He doesn't like talking in front of people. But he did send you a glare over his shoulder.

"You lesbian hoe! I threw out everything anybody left behind. You're not allowed on MY private property." You point out.

"What do you mean 'your private property'?" Joe snaps.

"I bought the PLACE!" You yell.

"You only bought it because this monster probably forced you to." Joe struggled as Jason pressed his boot harder on her.

"No, I bought it because I love him and I love this place!" You correct.

Jason smiled a bit under his mask.

"I'm gonna call the cops on you, Joe!" You scream loudly.

Jason finally dropped you on your feet gently and grabbed his machete where he had set it. He had a hand on your wrist as you still tried to stomp on Joe's head.

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