Chapter 7. Let me see.

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You had decided to teach Jason about being in a relationship and just human interaction in general.

"Now, don't be afraid to hug me, touch me, or even kiss me. You're always welcome to that." You say.


"Uh yeah." You giggle.

"And let me ask you a question; do you like it when I hug you or kiss you? If not I'll stop. Communication is important." You explain.

"I dont mind... I like it." Jason says softly, feeling very nervous.

"You can call me other things like baby, babe, honey. Whatever." You add, hoping he would call you baby.

"I like (Y/n)."

Well shit.

"Cause it's a beautiful name."

You felt so happy.

"Jason, I just wanna hug you all the time. You're so sweet." You say.
Jason smiled a little.

"Now human intera-"

"Is that all couples do?"

"Excuse me?" You tilt your head.

"They hug, kiss, and call each other stupid names?" Jason tilted his head. You fangirled a bit at the head tilt and then frowned.

"No. They trust each other more than most. They love each other. Tend to them and sometimes have-...." You trailed off. Your mind was so intent on just talking you went too far.

"Have what?"

"N-nothing its too early for us to do anyway." You say, blushing.... And slightly disappointed.


"Because I like waiting for at least three weeks. With you, maybe two cause you're so cute." You say, mostly to yourself.



"It's been three weeks."

"Uh well...." Your eyes kind of widened.

"I could teach you.... that. If you wanted." You mumble.

"He needs to learn someday."
Ew Pamela wtf.

"(Y/n), I don't even know what you're talking about."

"Sex, Jason, I'm talking about sex!" You cover your face.

"And what's that?"

You look up. Oh my God. Are you REALLY going to talk about this to a serial killer.

"It's... You know. When... T-two people who l-love each other do it. To show how much they love one another." You cough.

Jason tilted his head.

"Like... OMG." You groan.

"I heard Lane that prick talk about it."

"Yes! That's it." You say, hoping you don't have to explain further.

".... He didn't give a description on it I don't know anything about that." Jason explained, noticing your look.

"I.... I'll show you." You say, grabbing his hand.

Jason huffed and let you lead him inside.

"I aint going up those stairs those are not sturdy. And I hate this house." Jason said, noticing you two heading that way.

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