Chapter 4. Confession.

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You sit on a chair and look at the dirtied room. You tried to recollect your thoughts. Your friends are gone, some are dead, you're alone in a house with a killer. His dead mom was speaking to you and you had to stay there. No you couldn't. You HAD to find a way out and back home.

"Can...I get some air please?" You ask. Jason opens the door but stands in the doorway as you go outside a little ways.
You look around, taking in your surroundings. You remember a story where a boy was kidnapped and he behaved so nicely that he got more and more free range. You could do that, and then escape when you had the chance.
You walk back in the cabin and stand there. Jason looks at you.

"S-so....what do you wanna do?" You ask quietly.
Jason shrugs then goes outside and slams the door. You jump at the loud noise. Okay he's gone. You tried to open the door but of course it won't open why would it. You looked around and tried the other door. Locked but it was weaker. You looked for windows. None that you could sneak out of.
You see a small plate in the corner, chipped, but still intact. You get an idea and shove the bed back a little bit and grab the plate. You could make a small hole in the side and try to slip out but hide the hole with the bed. Perfect. You start digging and find the ground super soft but also firm so it makes a perfect digging escape. You use the plate to scrape the dirt back further and further. Then you almost jump out of your skin when the door opens. You throw the plate under the bed and push it back before Jason walks in. He looks at you and tilts his head, noticing the dirt on your knees and hands.

"I fell." You lie, noticing his stare.

He studies you for a bit then goes in the other room and slams the door, locking it.

Holy shit he's scary.

"So you're escaping?"

"I just need to leave and get home."  You respond to Pamela.

"You know how hurt Jason will be."

You grab the plate and look at it. You push the bed away a bit and keep digging. You could probably fit your head through but not your body. You put a hand to your chest and measure how big the hole should be, depths wise.

"You're justs scared is all."

"I want to see my family." You hiss.


You keep digging. It might take a day for it to be big enough but thats okay.

You stop and put the plate down, your arms becoming tired. You shove the bed back and lay down. Soon enough you fall into a peaceful nap.

{Jason's POV}

Jason looked at his mother's shrine. He waited for her to speak to him like always.

"You like her and enjoy her company?"

He nods.

"You know she's going to try and escape."

He nods again.

"Give her a gift tomorrow. Gain her trust."

Jason doesn't move. Pamela knew he didn't have one clue what to get his sweet (Y/n).

"She likes necklaces. I recall her collecting them when she was younger."

Jason let's out an annoyed sigh. How the hell is he gonna get a necklace?

"There's one that she had left long ago around the lake. Go find it and give it to her."

Jason lets out another sigh. Why are women so difficult.

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