The Dungeon Dice Monsters game shop

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It was morning, after Tea and Lea had gotten ready for school, they walked over to Yugi's house to pick him up. As soon as they arrived there, they suddenly saw that he was with his grandfather, who was sweeping the ground. 
"Good morning, Yugi!" Both sisters greeted Yugi, as they walked towards him. 
"How's it going, Tea? Lea?" Yugi greeted the sisters back. 
Tea then turned to face Solomon and greeted him, "Mr. Muto, good morning." 
"Good morning, Mr. Muto." Lea chimed in, happily. 
"Huh, good for you two maybe." Solomon greeted back, not facing the sisters. Both sisters were confused. 
"What's bugging your grandfather? I've never seen him like this before. Is he sick?" Tea asked Yugi. 
"I don't think so, but I'm worried. He's been acting really weird all morning." Yugi whispered to the sisters, and it made them more confused. 
"But why?" They both asked together, before Solomon suddenly got in front of them and Yugi, which startled them because it was unexpected. 
"Ok, I'm going to tell you!" Solomon confessed, before he began ranting. 
"I've indured many things in my life. I've been trapped in an ancient pyramid, stung by scorpions, attacked by tibetan wolves, but nothing compares to this!" 
He then pointed to a big building, which looked brand new, "A new game shop!" 
"There's a new game shop?" Tea questioned, and Lea was shocked. 
Solomon folded his arms and said angrily, "They think they can drag me out of business, selling their trendy new trash! But they have no respect for the gaming traditions, the true classics, because they sell only the fans of today!" 
"Wow! A new game store?! I better go check out the competition and see what we're up against!" Yugi exclaimed, completely amazed, but Solomon didn't approve. 
"Don't even think about it!" He snapped. 
With that, Yugi, Tea, and Lea all walked over to the new game shop to see what it looked like, but both the sisters were a bit conflicted. 
"Yugi, if your grandfather finds out we've been here, you're gonna be SO grounded!" Tea warned Yugi, and Lea nodded her head in agreement as she watched all the people enter the game shop with a hurt expression. 
"Oh, what's the harm in a little window shopping?" Yugi assured, before a woman suddenly handed out a flyer to him. 
"Here." She said, and Yugi blushed a bit when he took the paper. Tea watched with a bit of jealousy. 
"What is it?" Yugi asked the woman. 
"Dungeon Dice Monsters." The woman answered, as Yugi looked at the paper with interest. 
"Wow, this looks like a pretty cool game, but I wonder how you play it." He pondered, before Tea suddenly grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and dragged him while walking. 
"Yugi, come on! Let's go! You're gonna make me miss my first class, again! And Lea will be late for school again as well!" Tea told Yugi. Lea followed after the pair as she still seemed to be a little sad, she was just worried that nobody would ever go shopping in Solomon's game shop anymore since there was a new game shop now. 
"Yugi, if I get detention for this, you're gonna have to do my homework for a week!" Tea warned Yugi, sharply. 

Meanwhile, after Lea was dropped off to her school by Yugi and Tea, she just slowly walked to her school as she just sadly looked at the ground and sighed. Then all of a sudden, she felt a hand on her shoulder, so she surprisingly looked behind to see who it was... Mokuba!
"Hi!" Mokuba greeted her, as he grinned. 
Even though Lea was still a bit sad, she was happy to see the boy she loved, so she tried her best to smile, even though her smile was a little weak. 
"Hi." She greeted back, as she tried her best not to frown. 
Mokuba obviously noticed that her smile was fake, so he asked her, "Lea, are you okay? What's wrong?" 
Lea was startled when he asked her that, so she laughed a bit awkwardly as she turned around to look away from him, "Everything's fine!" 
Mokuba sighed as he knew that nothing was fine, so he touched her shoulder from behind and asked her, "How long is it gonna take for us to be honest with each other?" 
Lea still didn't turn around to face him and just stayed quiet for a little longer, but then she sighed in defeat and confessed, "I'm stressed." 
"Why? What are you stressed about?" Mokuba asked her, compassionately. 
"I'm stressed because there's a new Dungeon Dice Monsters game shop, and a lot of people are going in there to check it out. I'm worried, because what if nobody goes into Yugi's grandfather's game shop anymore?" She explained, as her voice was breaking, and she was on the verge of tears. 
Mokuba looked at her sadly, then he sighed and turned her around to face him, which surprised her. He touched both of his hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes firmly as he spoke gently to her, "It'll be okay, Lea. I'm sure there will be some people still going into Yugi's grandfather's game shop. Those people who are entering that new game shop are probably just curious because it's brand new. But don't worry, ok? Because I'm here for you." 
Lea just looked at him, she was still a little sad but she slowly nodded her head in agreement. Then she was suddenly on the verge of crying more harder. Mokuba obviously noticed, so he pulled her into his chest and let her cry for a bit as he rubbed her back comfortingly. Lea just kept crying into his chest a little longer until Mokuba suddenly spoke softly to her, "Come on, we'll be late." 
He wrapped his arm around her and walked her to their school. 

Meanwhile after school was over, Lea still appeared to be bummed out as she walked out of her school. She then suddenly saw Tea, so she smiled a little. 
"Hey, sis." She greeted, softly. 
"Hi, Lea. How was school?" 
"It was okay. Yours?" 
"It was good, we met this guy named Duke Devlin, the creator of that new Dungeon Dice Monsters game shop. He's really good with the cup in dice, but he is a little too arrogant because he's really popular with the girls, who just happen to be his cheerleaders, and he was kind of a jerk." Tea answered, with a sigh. 
But then she smiled and added, "But the best part is... We met his sister!" 
Lea's face suddenly beamed up when Tea mentioned that Duke had a sister, "A sister?! What's her name?!" 
"Her name is Marcella Luna." Tea winked, which made Lea surprised at the mention of Marcella Luna! She just remembered the time when Jill mentioned about her, and she was so happy to hear that Marcella was actually still alive! 
"Marcella Luna? You mean, the Marcella?! The daughter of Gabriel Luna that Jill mentioned about 4 days ago?!"
Tea nodded while smiling, "Yeah. That's her. 
"Did you ask her if she knew Jill or her parents?" 
"I did, but she said that she never knew them." 
Lea frowned, but she smiled again and asked, "Since you just described to me what Duke is like... What is Marcella like?" 
Tea giggled at her little sister's question, and she answered, "Well, unlike Duke, she's more compassionate to other people, except she doesn't really like Duke's cheerleaders because they annoy her, and she's really comical too. She also said that she can fix anything and plays any instruments, like the violin or the flute, very well." 
"Wow..." Lea breathed, in awe. 
"She also kinda looks like you too." Tea added, which made Lea surprised. 
"She... looks like me?" She asked, as she pointed to herself. 
"Yeah, except her hair is more of a dark chocolate brown, but she does kind of have your eyes, and your facial features too." 
Lea blushed a bit when Tea was describing what Marcella looked like, and she said hopefully, "Really hope I can meet her." 
"Oh, you will. Duke just invited us to go to that Dungeon Dice Monsters game shop later on today so Joey can duel him there. Also, Marcella can't wait to meet you." Tea smiled, which made Lea smile. 
"And I can't wait to meet her." 
"Maybe you can invite Jill to come with us, so that way she'll be able to meet Marcella." Tea suggested, which made Lea frown. 
"I would, but she's gonna be busy helping her father." She sighed, and it made Tea frown but she easily smiled again. 
"Oh well, at least you'll be able to meet her." 
Lea smiled softly, and she nodded her head in agreement.

Tea's Little Sister ~Mokuba Kaiba~[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now