Yugi Muto vs Weevil Underwood part 2

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Meanwhile, as Yami wiped out some of Weevil's monsters, Weevil began to tremble in anger.
"Ha! Great play, Yug!" Joey cheered, confidently.
"You wiped out Weevil's army in one move!" Tristan cheered as well.
"Go, Yugi!" Lea cheered happily, as she jumped from the ground.
"All right! You've got him on the ropes!" Tea cheered, happily.
A female voice suddenly laughed and said with a snide tone, "Yeah right!"
Both Tea and Lea turned to see who the voice was from, and it was from the woman they saw back on the boat... Mai.
"Mai?!" Joey and Tristan both exclaimed.
"You losers don't seem to realize who your little pal is up against." Mai reminded coolly, and it caused everyone to turn their whole body around to face her with questioning looks on their faces.
"Weevil's regional champion. He's got moves your shrimp couldn't even dream of." Mai continued, which offended Tea and Lea.
"Hey! The shrimp you're referring to is the guy who defeated Kaiba!" Lea snapped, as she pointed her staff in Mai's direction.
"And how old are you supposed to be, little girl?" Mai scoffed.
"That's none of your damned concern!" Lea growled.
'Ooh, that Mai! She's always butting in with her big mouth! Well, I'm not gonna let her trash my friends!' Tea thought to herself angrily, before she snapped.
"Nobody asked you! So why don't you just take a hike!"
"And miss the chance to watch a champion like Weevil as he turns this around? No way." Mai replied, boldly.
"Yeah, I mean Weevil really came from behind to win the regionals." Joey agreed with Mai, as he was blushing a bit.
"He's tough and sneaky." Tristan chimed in, blushing a bit as well.
"Whose side are you two goofballs on anyway?!" Tea snapped at the guys.
"You guys are probably saying that crap because you think that woman is hot!" Lea chimed in, as she pointed her staff to the guys.
Joey replied to the two sisters calmly as he and Tristan were steaming, "All I'm saying is, for Yugi, this is his first official duel..."
"And he's fighting a champ." Tristan added.
Mai chuckled at the guy's statements as Tea turned her head to glare at her.
"Oh, I wish I didn't know you two!" Lea murmured, low enough for the guys to hear her.
'Ooh Mai, You troublemaker! You think you know so much? But Yugi will show you!' Tea thought to herself.
"You may have flattened my army of bugs, Yugi, but you haven't won. I have plenty of tricks in my sleeve." Weevil growled.
"You've done an awful lot of buzzing throughout this whole duel, Weevil. But I'm still here waiting for the sting." Yami grinned.
"Since you're new to this whole dueling tournament thing, I'll try to make this simple for you." Weevil began, before he looked at his cards and suddenly grinned.
"I'm gonna wipe that goofy grin from your face."
Then he glanced up at Yami and continued, "Now let's see, which lucky bug gets to take the first bite."
He then snickered, but as he picked up one of his cards... he suddenly frowned, "Oh! But this little bug won't stand a chance against all your ferocious monsters."
Then he put his card down and said as if he didn't care anyway, "Oh well, I'll play in defense mode."
Then he snickered to himself. "Hmm. That would've been a nice bluff, but I still haven't forgotten about the trap card you played."
Yami grinned, as he remembered how Weevil played the trap card...
"With this trap card, you won't be able to attack me with any of your monsters." Weevil taunted, as he held up his trap card.
**End of flashback**
Yami thought to himself, 'He didn't trap me then, and he's not gonna trap me now. Weevil's trap card will activate as soon as I call attack, and I'll destroy all the monsters I have on the field. But what if I get my monsters off the field first, and then destroy Weevil's trap? That's it!'
"I'll spring your trip, Weevil." Yami spoke up in determination, before he placed one of his cards down.
"But first... The Monster recovery card. It allows me to call back all the creatures I have on the field. Monsters, return to your cards!" Yami ordered his monsters, before his monsters went back to their cards.
Weevil glared at Yami as Yami still talked, "Now your trap has nothing to snare, and once my monsters are all safely back in my deck, the recovery card also lets me draw a new hand. Now all I have to do is sacrifice one of my weaker monsters, and your trap is sprung."
Yami then placed his card down and summoned his monster, "Kuriboh, attack!"
Then the Kuriboh was summoned. Weevil felt scared at the Kuriboh's presence.
"Yeah!" Weevil summoned his monster, before his monster went to attack the Kuriboh and both monsters disappeared.
"Trap cards only work when they catch you by surprise. Next time, don't give your plan away." Yami grinned, as his life points went down to 1050. 
Weevil snickered in reply, "I didn't! I don't give a bee's behind about that stupid trap!"
Yami was stunned at what Weevil said... 

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