Arriving at Duelist Kingdom

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As the ship was near the Duelist Kingdom, Joey commented, "Man, this Duelist Kingdom looks like a pretty big place, Yugi! Finding your grandpa's not gonna be easy."

"Well, we gotta start somewhere." Yugi replied, and that was when the boat stopped near the dock to the Duelist Kingdom, and the anchor fell into the water to prevent the boat from sailing away.

"Whoa, check out the suits!" Joey remarked, as he looked at all the Security Guards, who were standing outside of the boat, waiting to welcome the Duelists on board.

"They're on business, Joey! That's why they're wearing suits!" Lea glared.

"Attention all Duelists, please disembark in an orderly fashion." The announcer spoke up, which made Tristan nervous.

"Hey, Tea. What if one of those Security Guys find out that you, me and Lea are all stowaways? We oughta just play it safe and swim back." Tristan told Tea, nervously. Lea rolled her eyes.

"We're in the middle of nowhere, lame-brain! If you can just try and act normal, we'll be okay." Tea snapped.

Lea took out her staff and pointed it at Tristan as she gave him a stern look, "Exactly, Tristan! So quit your complaining!"

With that, Yugi, Tea, Lea, Joey, and Tristan all walked out of the boat to pass the Security Guards, while Tristan thought to himself nervously.

'Just act cool, act cool. Cool as a cucumber, keep it cool!'

"Hey, you!" One of the Security Guards called out, which startled Tristan and everybody turned around to face the nervous Tristan and the Security Guards.

"Don't look so nervous. You guys are our guests here!" The Security Guard reassured Tristan.

"That's right!" Tristan agreed frantically, as he turned around to face the guards.

"I'm your guest!" He bowed, before he ran to catch up with the others and he panted for a moment until he stood up.

"I think I just had a heart-attack!"

"Way to play it cool, Tristan. That wasn't suspicious at all." Tea remarked, sarcastically. Lea laughed a bit awkwardly.

Joey was pumped up, "Alright! Every single one of us made it here safe and--"

He suddenly stopped when he felt himself wanting to sneeze. Tea quickly moved out of the way when Joey was about to sneeze in front of her, Tea looked at him with a disgusted look on her face after he sneezed.
Lea then realized that Joey caught that cold when he swam in the water to save the cards!

"You would have never have caught that cold if it wasn't for Weevil." Yugi reassured Joey, as he remembered the time when Weevil threw the cards out in the ocean...


"Say goodbye to Exodia!" Weevil taunted, as he threw all of Yugi's cards in the ocean.
"My cards!" Yugi exclaimed, as he watched all his cards get thrown in the ocean with worried eyes.

"Those were the Exodia cards that my grandpa gave me!"

"I'll get em!" Joey said, as he dived down to the ocean to save the cards.

"Joey, don't!" Yugi protested.

**End of flashback**

"So that was Weevil Underwood who did this?" Lea exclaimed, in disbelief.

"It was, Lea." Yugi answered, as Joey nodded while rubbing his nose with his finger.

"God, I knew that guy was a jerk! I'd just love to kick his ass!" Lea growled, as she tightened her grip on her staff.

Tea's Little Sister ~Mokuba Kaiba~[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now