Yugi Muto vs Seto Kaiba part 3

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Meanwhile, the duel between Kaiba and Yami continued... 
"It doesn't matter what card you play next, Yugi. You have nothing that can withstand the phenomenal attack strength of my Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon. You might as well give up!" Kaiba snapped. 
"That Ultimate Dragon can wipe out the rest of Yugi's life points at one breath. Kaiba has the upper-hand and knows it. He's just waiting for Yugi to back down!" Joey commented in disbelief, which was making Tristan, Bakura, Tea and Jill go tense! Joey just grunted as he trembled nervously. 
"And I don't see how Yug can pull this one off." Joey continued, which made both Yami and Kaiba surprised! 
Then Yami laughed, "Kaiba, I just drew the card that will defend me against your Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon." 
"Impossible!" Kaiba protested. 
"Watch and learn!" Yami taunted, before he brought his duel disk back to himself, then he drew his card. 
"This is it! The beginning of your defeat, Kuriboh, in attack mode!" He announced, before he threw the duel disk, and Kuriboh appeared on the field. 
"That's ridiculous! In the entire game, Kuriboh is the weakest monster!" Kaiba ranted, in disbelief. 
"He's right! Oh, what can Yugi be thinking playing that little guy?!" Joey exclaimed, with the same level of disbelief. 
"Oh, I hope Kuriboh will survive this." Jill hoped, as she sighed. 
Kaiba just snickered and said, "Yugi, you're afraid to concede in 'forfeit the match'. But come on! Don't embarrass yourself by playing that runt of a monster. You must know that's the puniest monster with the lowest attack points in all of Duel Monsters. I've never known a serious Duelist to even keep one in their deck."
Then he pointed his finger at Yami and continued, "Yugi, don't insult my intelligence pretending that miserable creature can defend against the unbridle might of my Ultimate Blue Eyes!" 
"Kaiba, you're mistaken. This card will defend everything, and before this duel is over, your dragon will fall!" Yami snapped back. 
"My Ultimate Dragon?! Nonsense! Hurry up and finish your turn so I can knock a stuffing out of your Kuriboh and win the game." Kaiba scoffed. 
"As you wish!" Yami shouted, before his big card turned around to face Kaiba. 
"My last card will be the magic card, Multiply! Multiply works with monsters with attack power below 500, and multiplies them endlessly. More than you bargain for. Eh, Kaiba?" Yami taunted, as the Kuriboh began multiplying. 
"So is this some kind of a joke?!" Kaiba asked, in disbelief. 
Yami just laughed and said, "The joke's on you, Kaiba. When you attacked, you thought I only had one defender. But now, I have many, and I'm getting more and more defenders by this second." 
"No matter. Have you forgotten the incredible assault power my dragon possesses? It'll burn em to a crisp!" Kaiba growled, before his Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon began breathing its lightening. 
"Neutron blast!" Kaiba commanded his monster, before its lightening went towards the many Kuribohs. 
"So there!" Kaiba said satisfyingly, but as it turned out... The Kuribohs were still alive. 
"But wait, what's going on here?! My dragon's attack had no affect on your life points and all of those annoying creatures continue to multiply!" Kaiba exclaimed, in disbelief. 
"That's right. You can't take my remaining life points away, Kaiba, until you wipe out all of the Kuriboh. But as quickly as you destroy them, they multiply right back." Yami taunted coolly, as he boldly had his arms folded. 
"Hairballs! For each one I destroy. Grr! Two more take its place!" Kaiba snarled in anger. 
"That's right. Kaiba, you may have created the ultimate attack monster but I've created the ultimate defense. An ever expanding army of furry protectors. They may not look like much, but they've stopped your dragon in its tracks. That's just the beginning, for now I go on the attack." 
"You've nothing strong enough!" Kaiba protested. 
"Watch me! For I'm going to show you the combo that will bring your dragon down." Yami taunted, before his big cards began turning around to face Kaiba. 
"Mammoth Graveyard, Polymerization, and the Living Arrow card!" Yami announced.
"What's a Living Arrow card?!" Kaiba demanded. 
"Living Arrow allows me to use my other cards in combination, not with my own cards, but with my opponent's monsters. I'll show you. Normally, I make a fusion with my cards, but for a new twist, Living Arrow lets me fuse my cards with your cards, opening up bold new possibilities!" Yami answered in explanation, before his three cards began combining together. 
"Now what?!" Kaiba asked, completely shocked. 
"I can use the magical power of the Living Arrow to bond my Mammoth Graveyard to the heart of your beast!" Yami answered, as the mammoth turned into the arrow and the arrow quickly landed on the Ultimate Dragon!
"No! My dragon! What have you done?!" Kaiba exclaimed, in disbelief. 
"Since my Mammoth Graveyard is an undead-type, he can't properly fuse your living Ultimate Dragon! Instead, it causes your monster to rot and decay from the inside out each turn your Ultimate Dragon will lose attack points and till your creature is no more! Your so-called Ultimate Dragon, and your victory is rotting away, Kaiba. It's only a matter of time now, and there's nothing you can do to stop it!" Yami announced, proudly. 
"There must be something I can do to save my Ultimate Dragon!" Kaiba exclaimed, desperately. 
"My Mammoth Graveyard has attack points of 1200. That means that each turn that goes by, he drains 1200 points from your Ultimate Dragon's attack power. Soon it will be weak enough for me to destroy!" Yami taunted, proudly. 
'He's right! My dragon's getting weaker every turn, and there's nothing in my deck that can reverse it!' Kaiba thought to himself tensely, before his life points went down to 3300! 
"Wow!" Jill breathed, completely amazed at what just happened. 
"All right! That single attack is bringing Yugi back from the break!" Tristan cheered, happily. 
"Way to go, Yugi! Heh, you're the man!" Joey cheered as well. 
"Great, move!" Tea complimented, as she had her hands together as in prayer. 
"You've had it, Kaiba! You're never gonna win this match!" Joey taunted Kaiba. 
'That's just like Yugi! Even when things are looking bad, he always manages to find a way to overcome his opponent.' Tea thought to herself, as she had a smile on her face. 
"So, what do you say now, Kaiba? Guess three-heads are embedded in one." Joey asked Kaiba, smirking. Kaiba just trembled in anger as he looked at Yami intently. 
"Can't lose. The fate of Mokuba's soul rides on this game, even Lea's life. Attack now, Ultimate Dragon! Neuton blast!" Kaiba commanded his monster, before it breathed its lightening on the Kuribohs again. 
"Again?" Yami asked scoffing, just as the lightening landed on the Kuribohs. 
"When will you learn? The Kuriboh multiply faster than you can eliminate them with your neutron blasts." Yami taunted, which was making Kaiba even more pissed off than ever as he watched the Kuriboh multiply again. 
"No! I will not, can not be defeated!" Kaiba growled. 
"I'll draw one more card and let my mammoth finish my turn." Yami announced, as he pulled out his card. 
Kaiba's life points went down to 2100 as he thought to himself angrily, 'So my Ultimate Dragon will be weak enough for Yugi to destroy outright! I've got to keep trying, it's my only hope!'
Then he spoke out loud, "Go, Ultimate Dragon! Neutron blast!" 
With that command, the dragon began breathing its lightening again on the Kuribohs, but then again, the Kuriboh multiplied. Kaiba was trembling nervously. 
"Once again, your attack has failed, Kaiba! My defense holds, and you have no other strategy to use it against me! Your time is running out. You should never have challenged me, Kaiba. You see? My mammoth takes another 1200 points from your dragon." Yami announced tauntingly, just as Kaiba's life points went down to 900. 
"Even my weakest monsters can destroy it now." Yami continued. 
Kaiba was just stunned as he thought to himself, 'I can't believe it! I failed! I've failed my brother! I've failed Mokuba! His soul will be trapped, forever! Even Lea's soul will be taken as well if I don't do anything about it!' 
Yugi thought to himself for a moment as he saw how stunned Kaiba was, 'Kaiba hasn't said a word. It's like he's in another world.'
"What's with Kaiba?! He's standing there completely spacing out!" Joey exclaimed, with a snarky tone. 
"Maybe it's finally sunk in, he's lost." Tristan replied to Joey. 
"True, and just a minute it will all be over. But it's almost sad to see a player of his caliber take losing so hard." Bakura chimed in. 
"I really wonder how well this'll end." Jill wondered, which was making Tea worried. 
Yami still looked at Kaiba stunned for a moment, then he clenched his teeth in anger as he thought to himself, 'It doesn't matter what card I draw now, any monster can defeat his weakened dragon!'
Then he pulled out his card and drew it, then he shouted out in announcement, "This is it, Kaiba! Prepare to meet your demise!" 
Then he threw his duel disk, and the Celtic Guardian appeared on the field.
"Celtic Guardian, attack Ultimate Dragon!" Yami commanded his monster, before it went to attack the Ultimate Dragon, and all it did was slice its head out. 
"Huh, all right!" Both Joey and Tristan cheered together. 
'This is so cool! Once Yugi defeats Kaiba, he'll be able to rescue his grandfather!' Tea thought to herself, happily. 
"Hey, the Ultimate Dragon is still standing! What's up with that?!" Joey exclaimed in disbelief, as he saw that the dragon was still standing. 
"That's because the Ultimate Dragon is a fusion of three Blue Eyes. Each of its three heads has it's own attack power. Celtic Guradian took out one of them, and Kaiba lost the 500 points difference in their attack strength." Bakura replied to Joey in explanation, just as Kaiba's life points went down to 400. 
"But when the Celtic Guardian takes out another weakened head next turn, that will wipe Kaiba out and win the match." Bakura continued. 
"You mean, Kaiba's toast?!" Joey questioned.
Just then, Kaiba suddenly spoke up, "Yugi, it can't end this way. If I don't defeat you in this duel, Pegasus will keep Mokuba and Lea prisoner forever. I can't let that happen, and even though I don't have a card that can keep you from attacking, I think I still have a strategy that will stop you in your tracks." 
"What do you mean?!" Yami asked, in disbelief. 
"I'm going to force your hand and win this battle, Yugi." Kaiba answered, before he walked back. 
"Looks more like he's retreating to me." Joey commented, just as Kaiba kept walking back. 
"Is this a trick?!" Joey asked, frantically. 
"Yeah, what's he up to?!" Tristan also asked. 
Both Tea and Jill were shocked as they saw Kaiba keep walking backwards, and just then... Kaiba stood on top of a ledge! 
"Kaiba, what in God's name are you doing?!" Jill exclaimed, completely shocked. 
"Kaiba, stop this!" Yami snapped. 
"What's Kaiba up to now? Does he think this cheap stunt is gonna keep Yugi from winning the match and saving his grandpa?" Joey asked, slightly confused. 
"Your move, Yugi. You can attack my Blue Eyes again and wipe out my remaining life points, but if you do, the resulting shock waves might cause me to lose my balance." Kaiba said, smoothly. 
"Don't tempt me!" Yami snapped, which made Kaiba grin. 
"My fate is completely in your hands, Yugi. You decide this duel one way or another. Of course if you don't surrender, I might be hurt. You wouldn't want that to happen, would you?" Kaiba taunted. 
"Stop it, Kaiba! You know this is dangerous!" Tea stepped in, pleadingly. 
"She's right! Whatever the hell you're doing, it's not helping!" Jill chimed in. 
"Eh, Kaiba's just bluffing!" Joey snarked, before he suddenly went all crazy. 
"Come on, drop this cheap ploy, and get down from that ledge and play fair! You know that Yugi doesn't want to hurt you!" He snapped, which made Kaiba snicker to himself. 
"He knows. He's counting on Yugi to surrender." Bakura told Joey reassuringly, which made Joey confused. 
"But he can't do that. If he loses to Kaiba, he won't get in to the castle!" Joey tried to reason, which made Tea shocked. 
"I'm warning you, Kaiba! Don't push me too far! I must win to rescue my grandfather!" Yami warned, sharply.
"And I must win this duel to rescue Mokuba and Lea. The difference is I'm willing to risk anything to do it. You know I can stand up here all day, Yugi, and I'm certain you won't make any attack for fear that you might not be off. Even though you know by not attacking, you give up the only chance you have to save your grandpa." Kaiba replied boldly, which made Yami grunt in annoyance. 
"Which means I have the advantage over you, for in my case there's nothing holding me back." Kaiba continued, before he pulled out his card and turned it around to face Yami. 
"Ah, a magic card. Reborn the monster, which I'll use to resurrect the Blue Eyes' head that was just destroyed by your Celtic Guardian!" Kaiba stated, seriously. 
"What?! Restore a head of the Blue Eyes?!" Yami exclaimed in disbelief, before the Blue Eyes had just been restored! 
"Now one of my Blue Eyes with its normal attack points of 3000 has just been reborn! With all of your Kuribohs in defense mode, I couldn't touch you. But now that you put an attack monster on the field, I can take out the rest of your life points. Which I'll do next turn. Two of Ultimate Dragon's heads are still weakened, but third can wipe out your guardian in a breath. Our life points are equally unique, so strike now if you dare. Otherwise next turn, I swear I'll take you down!" 
Yami thought to himself for a moment, completely stunned, 'If I defeat one of the weaker Blue Eyes, I win! But what if the duel battle accidentally knocks him off the ledge!'
"Surrender, Yugi! That is unless you have the courage to unleash your attack!" Kaiba snapped, as Yami still thought for a moment.
'I must...' He thought, before his Yugi suddenly appeared. 
'I can't...' He said, as he tried to make a choice. 
'We must!' Yami replied, firmly. 
'No! It's not right!' Yugi pleaded. 
"Yugi!" Yugi heard his grandfather call out his name. 
'There must be another way!' Yugi suggested, before Yami furrowed his eyebrows since he knew that he had no choice. 
'There isn't!' He replied to himself. 
Tea was getting shocked as she looked at Yami's anger, 'Look at his face! It's like Yugi's struggling within himself to do the right thing! But he can't risk hurting Kaiba!' 
"KAIBA, I'VE NEVER BACKED AWAY, AND I'M NOT STARTING NOW! CELTIC GUARDIAN, ATTACK!" Yami suddenly snapped, before the Celtic Guardian went to attack!
"Yugi, you can't!" Tea cried out, as she ran over to Yami to stop him.
"Tea, come back!" Jill pleaded, but Tea ignored her and just kept running just as Celtic Guardian was charging at the Blue Eyes! 
"You can't take this risk! Call him back! Yugi, you can't do this! You can't!" Tea pleaded, as the Celtic Guardian kept charging! 
"This isn't like you! You've gotta stop! YUGI!!!!" 
As Tea's voice was heard, Yugi just realized that what Yami was doing was not the right thing to do, 'She's right! We can't do this!'
Then he fell to his knees and yelled out, "STOP!" 
With that saying, the Celtic Guardian stopped running, and looked a bit ashamed. 
Yami had just turned back into Yugi, and he appeared to be sad and scared... 
"Couldn't do it, huh? White lightening attack!" Kaiba commanded his monster, before his Blue Eyes breathed its lightening on the Celtic Guardian, and he was destroyed for good!
"I can't believe it! That underhanded sleazeball wiped Yugi out!" Joey exclaimed in disbelief, as he discovered that Yugi's life points had now gone down to zero! 
Kaiba then jumped out of the ledge, satisfied that he had just won. Tea felt her heart break, and she watched Yugi sadly as he was softly crying in shock that he had just lost. 
"Yugi!" The others exclaimed, as they all ran over to Yugi. 
"It's okay, man." Joey said, reassuringly. 
"I almost couldn't control it. This other presence deep inside me." Yugi spoke softly, before he yelled. 
"He was willing to go all the way against Kaiba!" 
"Another presence inside you?" Joey questioned, slightly confused. 
"What do you mean? What the heck are you talking about, buddy?" Tristan also asked. 
"Like me, Yugi has some sort of ancient spirit inside him. It has something to do with the Millennium Items!" Bakura answered Tristan's question. 
"That's right!" Jill nodded, in realization. 
"I'm afraid, of this spirit inside me! So afraid, that I will never duel again!" Yugi sobbed, before Tea knelt down in front of him and felt tears streaming down her face.
"I'm sorry. Sorry about your grandpa, but you did the right thing. You couldn't hurt another person, not even to save him." 
Yugi looked up to face Tea, and saw in her eyes that she was telling the truth. 
"He wouldn't want to be saved that way." Tea concluded, gently. 
"Then I guess he got what he wanted. If Yugi had done what needed to be done, he would be entering the castle, not me. But he was too weak to follow through on his play." Kaiba suddenly spoke up, sinisterly. 
Tea felt the anger flowing inside her, and so she blew up while standing up to face Kaiba, "He spared you!" 
Everyone was shocked to hear what Tea was saying... More than that, they were shocked that she was gutsy enough to stand up to Kaiba. 
"Kaiba, he showed you compassion! Which is more than you deserve!" She added, passionately. 
"He lost the game." Kaiba replied, firmly.
"The game? Yugi may have lost one lousy Duel Monsters game, but at least he hasn't lost his heart! Not like you, Seto Kaiba! You've spent so much time with your machines that you've forgotten what being human is about!" Tea snapped back, with even more anger. Kaiba just snarled. 
Tea then placed her hand to her heart and continued softly, "Yugi has a heart, Kaiba. Yugi has us. Friends that'll stand with him to the end. No matter whether he wins or loses some lousy game."
Then she furrowed her eyebrows and continued angrily, "And what do you have, Seto Kaiba? What do you have at the end of the day? Tell me! TELL ME!" 
Kaiba still snarled while trembling with anger, then he grabbed the star chips as he spoke with anger in his voice, "I have all that I need!" 
Then he turned around to leave. 
"Yeah, keep fooling yourself, Kaiba! Yugi's twice the man you'll ever be!" Joey snapped at Kaiba. 
With that saying, Kaiba turned around to face the gang again as he spoke firmly, "What in God's name do I get for trying to be nice? Not only am I doing this to save Mokuba's life, I'm also doing this to spare Lea's life cause her soul will be taken just as well as my little brother’s is right now." 
At the mention of Lea and her soul about to be taken like Mokuba’s was... Tea and Jill's eyes widened! 
"You want her back, don't you?" Kaiba asked. 
"Of course we want her back, Kaiba!" Jill suddenly stepped in, which made everyone, including Kaiba, shocked that Jill had enough courage to stand up to Kaiba. 
"We want more than anything to have Lea back and safe with us. But I just didn't think you would be that cruel enough to defeat Yugi like this!" 
Then she balled her hand up into a fist and clenched her teeth with anger as her tears began forming in her eyes, "And even if you come back and bring Lea back to us, this won't change anything because this time I'm really going to arrest your ass for all you did! I get you wanted more than anything to have Mokuba's soul back, but even if you lost, we could have found some other way to bring his soul back and spare Lea's life!" 
She then looked down to the ground and spoke softly, "But because of your arrogance and conning Yugi by attempting to commit suicide..." 
Kaiba just trembled with a bit of anger at what he was hearing Jill say. 
Jill was panting furiously as her hot tears were still coming out of her eyes, "Because once you defeat Pegasus and bring Lea back to us, I am surely going to cuff you." 
Then she shut her eyes tight and yelled with more fury, "SO YOU JUST GO TO HELL!!!!" 
Kaiba's teeth clenched in anger when he just heard the black-haired girl's insult, but he didn't let it get to him, and so he just immediately turned around on his way to the castle. 
While watching Kaiba leave, Jill was still trembling with anger and still felt her hot tears coming out of her eyes. Bakura just sadly looked at Jill. He knew in his heart how much she wanted to be able to help Kaiba bring Mokuba's soul back and spare Lea's life, but because of the way he conned Yugi and defeated him... now Jill was likely to arrest Kaiba.

Tea's Little Sister ~Mokuba Kaiba~[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now