Seto Kaiba missing

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The next day after school, it was raining and the gang had all just decided to visit Solomon Muto. 
"I'll take it. Put it on my tab, Gramps!" Joey told Solomon. 
"Your tab's past due, Joey." Solomon shook his head, as he chuckled a bit. 
"Then put it on Tristan's." Joey persisted. 
"Hey!" Tristan snapped, before a door suddenly opened behind the gang, and everyone all turned to see who it was, and it was Mokuba!
"Please, please help me!" Mokuba pleaded weakly, as he appeared to be exhausted and wet. 
"Mokuba!" Lea exclaimed, worriedly. 

Everyone had all just gotten into the living room. Mokuba was sitting on the couch with a blanket wrapped around him to keep him warm, and was holding a mug of tea. Lea sat next to him, and her arms were wrapped around him as her head was rested on his shoulder. 
"So you're saying the only way Kaiba can escape is by winning the game?!" Yugi asked Mokuba, shocked. 
"But if those creeps reprogram the entire adventure just to keep Kaiba trapped there, how is that possible?" Tea asked. 
"I don't know, but I thought... I thought you could help." Mokuba answered sadly, as he kept his eyes on his tea. 
"Calm down, Mokuba. We will, we will. Now tell us some more about this virtual pod your brother was designing." Solomon said, reassuringly. 
"I don't know much. I was pretty young when he started it. I remember him spending endless hours working on the prototypes, trying to make it perfect." Mokuba answered, still a bit sad. 
"Prototypes?! So there are other ones?" Joey asked, before Mokuba nodded. 
"In his lab. It was my brother's dream to create the world's ultimate virtual adventure land. But those corporate jerks turned it into a nightmare." Mokuba answered, as his tears began forming in his eyes. Lea just took his hand and rubbed it comfortingly. 
Joey scratched his head, a bit confused. Then he turned around and snarked as he folded his arms, "Lousy suits! We'll show them like we did Pegasus!" 
Everyone was surprised, so they all turned to face Joey with questioning looks on their faces.  
Then Yugi stood up and said in determination, "That's right! We'll use those pod prototypes and go to that virtual world and rescue Kaiba!" 
"Thanks, guys!" Mokuba smiled, gratefully.
"Anytime, Mokuba. We're always here for you." Lea smiled, before she pressed her lips against his cheek, and it made him blush a bright red. 

Everyone then went outside of the game shop, and carried umbrellas as they all began running on their way to Kaiba Land. 
"See you soon, Grandpa!" Yugi bid his grandfather good bye. 
"You be careful!" Solomon warned the gang. 
"We will!" Yugi promised. 
"Wait up! You guys don't even know the way!" Mokuba called out, and Lea giggled softly as she held on to the umbrella Mokuba was holding since she didn't have an umbrella for herself. 
The gang just kept running, and running, and running until they had finally reached Kaiba Land. 
"This is it! My brother's personal laboratory. He doesn't like anyone messing around in here, but I used to sneak in all the time." Mokuba announced in explanation, before he began climbing up the gate, and it made Lea blush in fascination. 
'Wow, he's so amazing!' She thought, as she covered her mouth. 
Then Mokuba jumped down from the gate and went inside as he gave the gang a thumbs-up. Then he opened the gate and let the others inside. 
"This way!" Mokuba gestured, as he and the others began running on their way to find the laboratory. 
"This is where Seto keeps his most secret stuff." Mokuba explained, as he and the gang finally went inside and they all put their umbrellas down. Mokuba took Lea's hand, and he and the gang began running under the 'Keep out' sign and they finally found the laboratory! 
"There they are!" Mokuba announced, before he turned on the lights. 
"Those are the prototypes? Wow!" Joey breathed, in amazement. 
"Now let's see here." Mokuba said to himself, as he ran over to the thing that controls the pods, and when he pressed the right button... He smiled. 
"Yep, just like the model my brother's in." 
"Only four pods. I guess someone's staying here. I say Tristan." Joey snarked as he examined the four pods. Tristan angrily ran over to Joey and wrapped his arm around his neck and choked him. 
"And I say you!" Tristan snapped. 
"I know I'm going!" Mokuba suddenly spoke up, which caught everyone's attentions. 
"Mokuba? You're the one who knows how to work these things, you should stay here!" Joey protested, as Tristan had finally released his grip on him. Lea just elbowed Joey hard on the ribs. 
"Yeah, but I also know the most about the virtual adventure land that we're going into!" Mokuba snapped back. 
"Good point." Tristan understood. 
"So then get in!" Joey agreed, before he faced Tristan and placed his hands on his shoulders. 
"Take care of my georgeous bod, pal." He snarked, and Tristan was confused. 
"I should go too." Lea suddenly spoke up, and the others were surprised. 
"Lea?!" They all asked, completely shocked. 
"I have to go. It may be dangerous, but I know I can do this. Besides, when Mokuba's soul was taken by Pegasus back in Duelist Kingdom... I thought I was gonna lose him forever, and I cannot afford to lose him again. So I'm going." Lea explained, seriously. 
The others just looked at Lea for a moment, conflicted, but they all nodded in agreement as they saw how serious she really was. Mokuba took out some of his brother's cards and handed them to Lea. 
"Then I'll lend you some of my brother's decks." He told her, and Lea was a bit conflicted. 
"But I've never dueled before." She shook her head. 
"I know you haven't, and I'll help you. Please take them." Mokuba persisted. Lea just looked at him for a moment, still a bit conflicted, but she finally agreed and gratefully took the cards out of Mokuba's hands. 

"You guys had better be careful." Tea warned the gang, who had just gotten inside the pods. 
"We'll be fine, Tea." Joey reassured. 
"Yeah, don't you worry about a thing. We'll have Kaiba rescued in no time." Yugi chimed in.

Then Tea walked over to Lea and hugged her, which Lea returned as Tea spoke softly to her, "Be safe, Lea. Ok?" 
"I will, Tea. I promise." Lea promised softly, before she and Tea broke apart from each other. 
"Tristan, let her rip!" Joey announced to Tristan. 
"Right, here we go!" Tristan nodded, before he worked the controls to close the pods on Yugi, Joey, Mokuba, and Lea. 
"Virtual upload, now!" Tristan announced, before he pulled the lever, and Yugi, Joey, Mokuba, and Lea were now in another world! 
"Looks like it worked!" Tristan commented. 
'Good luck, Lea.' Tea thought, as she felt a little tears forming in her eyes.

Tea's Little Sister ~Mokuba Kaiba~[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now