Mokuba's soul taken

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, still inside the dungeon, Mokuba and Lea had sat back down as Seto Kaiba still hadn't come to rescue them yet. Lea was trembling in fear as she knew that she and Mokuba will never be rescued. Mokuba obviously noticed her fear, so he took her in his arms, hugging her tightly, and he pet her hair gently, reassuring her that everything will be alright. Although, he wasn’t sure about that...
"Mokuba, I'm scared." Lea whispered shakily, as she placed her hands to his chest. 

"I know, Lea, but you're gonna be alright. I promise." Mokuba whispered back to her, reassuringly.  
Lea just kept trembling, and she gripped his shirt tightly as she buried her face into his chest. She just kept her face covered until suddenly... 
"Mokuba!" Came the familiar male voice. 
Mokuba lifted up his head as soon as his name was called, and it was then that Lea uncovered her face to face the person calling out Mokuba's name. The person who called out Mokuba's name was no other than Mokuba's big brother... Seto Kaiba!
"Seto? Seto, it's you!" Mokuba exclaimed, happily. 
"Yeah, it's me." Seto replied, with a small smile. 
"Aw, Seto, I always knew that you would come rescue me. Always." Mokuba said, as he cried tears of joy while gripping his locket. 
"Little brother." 
Lea smiled softly at the brothers' reunion, then she frowned and sighed as she hoped that she'll see her big sister and the others again. She just really missed them so much. 
With that, Mokuba and Lea stood up to their feet. 
"So what now? I bet you have some high-tech plan to get me and Lea outta--" Mokuba bet, but as he tried to take a step, the chains weighed him down. 
"You alright?!" Lea asked, concerned. 
"Stay still, kiddo." Seto instructed his brother. 
"Okay. Whatever you say, big brother!" Mokuba agreed, cheerfully. Lea giggled softly at that. 
"Just give me one second to pick this lock." Seto instructed again, before he crouched down and started picking a lock. While he did, he eyed Lea and studied her for a moment. She looked a little different in his vision because the last time he saw her... she was in her school uniform and was wearing pigtails. 
"You're Lea, aren't you?" He asked her. 
Lea was surprised when he asked her that, but she slowly nodded and said hesitantly, "Yes..." 
Seto just looked at her for a moment until he said, "You look different." 
Lea slightly blushed when he said that, and she sheepishly ran her fingers through her hair as she said, "Uh, well, I don't mean to be..."
Seto smiled a little, then he went back to pick the lock, but then... 
"Well, well, the brothers Kaiba. Reunited at last." Came a familiar mocking male voice. 
Seto looked up warily. Pegasus was approaching them and he clapped his hands in mocking applause.
"Bravo, Kaiba, bravo. I knew nothing would stop you from getting here." Pegasus commented, mockingly. 
"You!" Lea hissed, as she looked at him. 
Seto's eyes narrowed, not only in anger, but in fear as well. 
"Pegasus." He hissed. 

The Paradox brothers, Yami, Joey, Tristan, Tea, Bakura, and Jill all stood before the two doors at the far end of the room. 
"What do you mean there's another test? Yugi and I just beat you two in a duel! Isn't that enough?" Joey asked, impatiently. 
"Enough to win our star chips, but not enough to escape this labyrinth. You still must choose a door. Remember?" Para answered, tauntingly. 
"I remember. Now, which of you brothers are guarding the door that leads out of here?" Yami asked, coolly. 
"If you cherish your lives, you will choose my way." Para taunted, as he indicated the door to his right, marked with his symbol. 
"Select my side, or else you'll pay!" Dox chimed in, as he indicated the opposite door to his right, which was decorated with his symbol. 
"Not this game again! Can't you two just act normal and give us a straight answer for once?!" Tea asked, impatiently. 
"She's right! Because you know I could arrest you two for keeping us in this goddamn maze for too long!" Jill chimed in. 
The brothers both wore identical mocking smiles.
"I am giving you a straight answer!" They both said at the same time. 
"The answer is we can't trust either of these two." Yami said, clearly. 
"Okay guys, any bright ideas?" Tristan asked, hoping to God they will surely get out of the maze immediately.  
"Uh, sure... don't I always?" Joey replied, hesitantly. 
Tristan glared at Joey, and Bakura, Tea, and Jill all shook their heads in exasperation. 
"Ah. Zero respect!" Joey remarked, nastily. 
Yami hadn't taken his attention off of the two brothers and their challenge. He smiled his magician's smile, and held up two coins between his fingers, one marked with each symbol.
"We'll decide with these." He stated, boldly. 
The others were anxious... 
Both the brothers laughed until Dox agreed, "Okay, heads or tails!" 
Yami held out both of his closed fists as he said, "Neither. I've marked each coin to represent a different door. The coin that I keep clenched in my fist will be the door that I have chosen." 

Tea's Little Sister ~Mokuba Kaiba~[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now