Joey's drama

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Meanwhile, it was morning. Tea and Jill were still asleep inside of the tent. Jill slowly opened her eyes and saw that Tea was already awake. 
"Good morning, Tea." Jill smiled. 
"Good morning, Jill." Tea smiled back. 
"How'd you sleep, huh?" 
"Pretty good. You?" 
Jill shrugged and replied with, "So, so. Though it was cold and I hate sleeping in the cold." 
Tea giggled at that answer, then she got out of the tent, only to find Mai outside. All she carried with her was a big brown bag with a note on top of it. It was then that Jill got out of the tent, and was curious when she saw Mai outside. 
"Hi, Mai." Both girls greeted, simultaneously. 
"Hi, Tea. Hi, Jill." Mai greeted the girls back. 
"So what brings you here?" Jill asked. 
"I don't have time to explain, but I do have a note for Yugi." Mai answered, before she handed Jill the note, then Mai handed the brown bag to Tea. 
Mai then started to leave, but she turned to face the girls and smiled at them, "Oh, and... good luck, you two."
Tea and Jill just stared at her for a moment, but they smiled and nodded, "You too." 
Mai winked in reply, then she turned to be on her way. 

It was then that Jill looked at the note in curiosity, then she turned to face Tea and said, "We need to bring this to Yugi."
Tea nodded in agreement, then she and Jill started walking to find the guys. 
It was then that the girls saw that the guys were awake already, and they saw that Joey was yelling at the other guys on how much it's a brand new day of the tournament. 
"Hey, guys. What's all the commotion?" Tea asked the guys.
"Good morning, Tea." Yugi smiled. 
"Good morning, Jill." Bakura smiled at Jill, which made her blush. 
"Good morning, Bakura." She smiled, sheepishly. 
"Where's Mai? Isn't she with you girls?" Joey asked the girls. 
"She said she had to go, and to give you this note, Yugi." Jill answered, as she handed Yugi the note. 
Yugi was curious, so he took the note and looked into it. Joey and Tristan leaned in to read the note. 
The note said, "I owe you eight star chips. See ya around. Mai." 
Yugi slightly blushed when he was finished reading the note... 
"Kiss those chips good-bye." Tristan commented. 
"I don't know. Maybe we really can trust Mai." Yugi replied to Tristan. 
"And if not, well, we're still the team surpreme. Right?" Joey said, confidently. 
"Right!" The others all replied in unison. 
"Ok, then. Move out!" Joey cheered, and Yugi held up his fist with a determined look on his face. 

Everyone just kept walking to find a duelist, but none was found... 
"I wonder how many Duelists there are left on the island." Bakura wondered. 
"They shipped a couple dozen home yesterday." Joey replied. 
"And I bet even more have been eliminated by now." Tea added. 
"Yeah, cause of PaniK. That asshole." Jill replied in agreement. 
"And some of them were really good players with powerful cards too. We could be next." Yugi replied to the girls.
"Not a chance, Yug. Those other guys just won the prize. You and Joey have a lot more at stake." Tristan replied to Yugi. 
Yugi turned his head to face Tristan and said in determination, "That's true. I've got to rescue Grandpa from Pegasus, and Joey needs the prize money to help his sister." 
Then he turned his head to the front and continued, "And the duelists we face today will be even stronger, cause they survived the first round." 
Joey suddenly became angry, so he stopped and demanded, "Even stronger?" 
"Careful what you say, Yugi. You've got little Joey here shaking in his sneakers." Tristan warned Yugi, with a snarky tone. 
Joey turned around to face Tristan and snapped at him, "What?! You think I'm a scared little puppy dog?!" 
"Well, if the collar fits." Tristan shot back. Jill sighed in exasperation as she watched the argument. 
Tea then stepped in to stop the fight and said as she pushed the guys apart from each other, "All right, break it up." 
"Hey, you just bring on any duelist. Then I'll cream em!" Joey ranted, in determination. 
"Right. You gotta believe in yourself, Joey." Yugi nodded, smiling. 
"Yeah, that's right!" Joey replied in agreement, as if he was having a kick-ass time. Then he and Yugi just had their conversation on how they'll beat each Duelist in the island. 
After that, they all went on their way, and Joey seemed to have a bit of a funny feeling that they were being followed... 
"Did you hear that? I think we're being followed." Joey spoke up, tensely.
"I don't hear anything." Jill replied, as she raised her eyebrow. 
"I think that you're getting a little paranoid, Joey." Tea remarked. 
"You've been acting hyper ever since you woke up this morning. Man, what the heck is eating you anyway?" Tristan agreed, with a bit of an eye-roll. 
Joey stopped and said nervously, "I'm telling you, somebody's stalking us!" 
Then he ran off as he shuddered. 
"Where are you going?" Tristan rolled his eyes. 
"To stalk them!" Joey replied, as he kept running to find the stalker. 
Jill just clicked her tongue and said as she folded her arms, "He's definitely out of his mind."

Tea's Little Sister ~Mokuba Kaiba~[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now