Lucy frowned. She didn't think it was as pretty as her sister's. "Cheer up Lucy. It's not that bad." She looked down to see Plue looking up at her. He was called a Nicola and quite rare actually. And yes, he can talk.

"Lucy dear, why are you sad?" Layla, realizing Lucy's distraught asked.

"Mine isn't as pretty as Michelle's." She replied staring at it.

"That's because yours is special, Lucy. Just like you." Lucy's face lit up. "Really?"

"Yes, and because you're so special, I want you to promise me a few things."


"First, please always remember you're training. How I taught you to summon your celestial spirits to help you out. And don't forget the other magic your able to wield, practice as much as possible so you can use it properly. I don't want you telling anyone about it, unless you really have to, and only then to someone you truly trust. Do you understand?"

"Mhmm." Lucy nodded.

"Second, I want you to never, ever remove this bracelet unless you or anyone else's life truly depends on it, okay?"

"But why mommy?"

"Because it blocks out all the magic energy you give out. It hides your magic power. Unless it's removed, you'll only be able to use celestial magic. I'm saying this because some scary people want to take your powers and use them to do bad things, do you hear?" Layla said sternly.

"Okay, mommy!" Lucy replied putting on her bracelet. She soon spread her angelic wings once more, and flew up to fly around the castle's dining room. Her mother soon joined spreading her own golden wings.

"Your highness, your majesty, we have a problem." A servant came in the room in a state of panic.

   "What's is it?" Jude asked, as stern as ever.

"The kingdom is being attacked! People are being captured left and right! It's complete chaos out there, and to make matters worse, they're on their way hear!" A loud boom was suddenly heard outside. "Scratch that, they've already arrived."

"Lucy , Michelle, Layla, come this way." Jude instructed.

"Daddy, what's wrong?"

"We just have to get you into hiding for a while ok?"

"Okay." They replied in sync. They made their way down the steps of the castle and into a room. It was big and full of survival necessities.

They waited there for a while before the doors swung open, and they were surrounded by soldiers. Because of how their wings looked, and the twisted look on their faces, and pointy tails. they could tell they were griffins from the Gurofin Kingdom. The Gurofin Kingdom and the Kingdom Of Ange were never on good terms, but an invasion such as this was not at all predicted. Out of the 4 kingdoms that resides in the realm of Ailes, the griffins from the Gurofin Kingdom were despised the most.

   "Girls, behind me." Jude stated, standing in front of his defenseless family.

"Hello there  'King' Jude, fancy seeing you here." A voice said stepping out of the shadows. Jude, and Layla's eyes widened. "It's you.." Layla whispered.

"And it's always a pleasure seeing you, 'Queen' Layla." She did nothing but grimace.

He spotted the children and a sly smirk made its way on his face. Noticing this, Jude stepped up. "Please, I beg of you , do what you want with me, but leave my family out of it!" He was now on his knees bowing respectfully.

Fairy Tail: Warped Worlds (NaLu) [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now