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Mikey's POV

"Jealous of what?" i frowned.

He ignored me. Jealous? He was cracked, mate.

"Rye, what the fuck are you jealous of?" i sat up a little, making him look at me again.

"Him," he nodded toward Brook's bunk.


"All the comments on the vlog," he mumbled, barely coherently.

"What about them?" i chuckled.

"They're all going on about you and him," he looked down at his hands as he fiddled with his covers.

"So?" i chuckled, "all the comments in the last vlog went on about me and you... Apparently we're a cute couple."

True. Almost every comment i'd seen said me and Rye were cute together, that we were a good couple. I couldn't say i disagreed.

"Yeah, we are," he mumbled, "that's why i didn't like seeing it about you and him."

"Ryan," i smirked, lifting his chin so he looked at me, "no one could ever replace Ryan Beaumont as my favorite person in the world." (until his neice is born)

He smiled a little, and moved to wrap his arms around me. I kissed him. I didn't know why, but i just felt the need to kiss him. He kissed back and i felt his little smirk against my lips.


The next day was the day i realised why Rye was jealous.

He woke up before me as always, and as i sat up in his bed, i realised he was sitting on Andy's (with Andy, of course).

"Mornin'," he smirked over at me.

"Mornin'," i mumbled sleepily, laying back down, not particularly thrilled about the sight i'd woken up to, "i'm going back to sleep."

But i couldn't. I couldn't sleep without Rye, knowing he was right there. So i gave up after about half an hour and sat up again, "Ryan?"

They were watching something on Andy's laptop, with an earphone each. He only glanced up at me, "yeah?"

"Whatcha watching?"

"Our first cover," he told me.

"Can you come back when it's finished?" i asked him, not caring how i sounded in front of Andy, i was too tired.

"Why?" he chuckled.

"I can't get back to sleep," i frowned.

"It's like 9am," he laughed, then seemed to think about it, "you're lazy, good point!"

I rolled my eyes, "can you or not?"

"Course i can," he smirked, pulling his earphone out and jumping down from Andy's bed.

I cuddled into him, burying my face in his chest as he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me into him. I let out a happy sigh and closed my eyes, falling asleep almost straight away.


Rye's POV

"He's asleep already," i whispered to Andy.

"That was quick," he chuckled.

"He's a cuddler," i smirked.

"Something tells me it's not just the cuddles," he raised a brow.

"What do you mean?"

"It's you, you idiot."

"What? What are you talking about?" i scoffed.

"He falls asleep quicker when he's with you," he said as if it was obvious, then added, "you fall asleep quicker when you're with him too."

"That's not true," i frowned.

"Before he came, you woke me up every night because you couldn't sleep," he smirked.

"So? I couldn't sleep."

"So you don't need to now because you fall asleep in like ten seconds when you're cuddled up with him."

I just scoffed at him, but thinking about it, i realised he was right. I always fell asleep first when i was with Mikey, but otherwise, could never sleep. Mikey was always the same of a morning; when i woke up early, he'd drag me back to bed so he could go back to sleep.

I sighed to myself as i looked at him asleep, and kissed his head. I fucking loved him. As a friend.


When Love Takes Over - Rykey (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now