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Mikey's face when i told him i was going home tomorrow could've killed me.

He looked so upset, so hurt that i was leaving him. I'd have stayed, i'd have happily stayed with him but i needed to see my family.

"They don't even know i'm here," i told him, "they think i'm coming straight from the flat."

"Seriously?" he asked, a slight smile appearing on his lips.

"Yeah!" i hugged him, "i wanted some time with my Mikey before i saw anyone else..."

He hugged me tight, "i love you!"

"I love you too!" i squeezed him tight.


My family time was amazing, but what Mikey didn't know, was that i'd promised my little brothers that i'd take them to see him. I spent a day with my family, then the next day, the twins and i got up early.

We drove down to Mikey's and i knocked on his door.

His face when he opened it was a picture. A smile lit up his face and he literally jumped on me.

Ssmmie and Shaun both found it hilarious that he knocked me over, so when the two of us landed on the floor, we felt two little monkeys jump on us as well.

"I promised the boys i'd bring them to see you," i told Mikey as he sat up.

We all sat on his front step as he hugged my brothers, "i've missed you two!"

"We've missed you too!" they smiled and it was their turn to knock Mikey to the floor, hugging him tight.


He made the twins lunch when we came back from the park, sticking the tv on for them while they ate it, and pulling me into the kitchen.

The smile on his face made me so happy. "You could've told me you were coming back!"

"I wanted to surprise you again!" i smiled, and i couldn't help hug him again.

"It was the best surprise," he smiled, "i fuckin' love you, y'know?"

I nodded, "i fuckin' love you too."


Mikey's POV

We had an amazing day with the twins, and i wished they could all stay, but it was getting late now and i knew they had to go soon.

"I'll miss you guys," i said as they got ready to go.

"Come with us!" Shaun looked up at me.

"I can't come with you-"

"Why not?" Sammie asked, "mum misses you too!"

"I- I miss her as well but- i-"

"Ryan!" Sammie shouted upstairs to his brother.

"Yeah?" he called back as he ran down, wearing one of my hoodies. I raised a brow at him but didn't question it.

Shaun ran up to him, "can Mikey come with us?"

Rye looked stumped. I wanted to. I didn't want to intrude. I didn't know whether Ryan would want me there when he hadn't seen his family properly.

"Please, Ryan?!" Sammie pouted.

He looked up at me, and i think he knew i wanted to, as he pulled his phone out of his pocket.

He knew i could hear him from here when he was in the kitchen, but he went in anyway, "mum? The boys are asking if Mikey can come home?"

"Nah i haven't asked him yet, but i think he'd say yeah, he's missed you all!" he chuckled, "yeah? Are you sure?"

I heard happy whisper-screams from the twins as Rye laughed, "thanks! I'll let you know in a sec, yeah?"

"Mikey?!" he ran in and jumped at me, forcing me to catch him as he wrapped his legs around my waist and his arms around my neck.

"Hi?" i laughed.

"You're coming with us, tell your mum!" he smiled.

I laughed and went into my mum's room, still carrying Ryan, "mum?"

"Yeah?" she looked up at us, "you two having fun there?"

"Lots!" Rye smirked and i glared at him, then turned to my mum again, "can i go to Ryan's?"

Rye leaned in and whispered, "you were meant to tell her, not ask her, what if she says no?"

But my mum smiled and nodded, "of course you can! Have you got stuff to stay there?"

"Yeah he has!" Rye smiled. I didn't. "Thanks!"

"Thanks mum!" i smiled.

"You're welcome! Have fun!"

"We will!" Rye smiled and i carried him back out to the twins, "Mikey's coming with us!"



He's not home for a while so here's a proper update😂

When Love Takes Over - Rykey (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now