Moving in part 2

Start bij het begin

"Anything for you princess." Ian whispered.

I pulled away just enough to see his face though I was still being carried in his arms "No"

"No?" Ian asked.

"No calling me princess pick a different nickname if you want but never princess" I said while struggling a bit to get out of his grasp which he wouldn't let me out of.

"Why not princess?" Ian asked.

"Because i'm no princess."

"Okay is babe okay?" Ian asked.


"Why not?"

"Because I am a grown woman I am not an infant" I said stubbornly.

" You're so small you could be one" Ian joked.

I starred at him in shock. He actually made a joke! That angry, mean, aggressive, quiet, beast of a man made a joke!

" But if not princess or babe what can I call you for a pet name?" Ian asked slightly annoyed. Oh yep there's the Ian I know.

"I don't know. Cookie, Love, Angel, or you could not give me a pet name and just call me by my name since we've only ever actually been on one date and aren't close enough for that." I rambled.

"Okay Angel do you need any help unpacking?" Ian asked obviously picking my pet name.

"Um can you put me down... then I'll answer" I said a bit embarrassed of the fact that I'm still wrapped up in his arms. He grunted and reluctantly put me down. I pulled my shirt back down and pulled my pants back up. "Can you work on bringing in stuff? I think I can do the placing things I just need the well..things" I mentally slap myself for how dumb I sound. But I can't help but fumble with my words.

"Of course and I had some of my pack members pack the stuff we didn't get to I'll bring those in too" Ian said walking out.

I looked around the room once more mentally deciding where everything should go. I grabbed the first bag and headed to where I think is supposed to be the closet. I open the door and it's huge! It's like the size of the room I had in my apartment! I unload all the clothes into it adding a few more when Ian brought in a couple more bags but even with all my clothes which isn't a lot but it still doesn't even fill up a rod!

"I think you need more clothes." Ian says making me jump. He laughs "Did you see how far you jumped!" Ian said in between laughs.

"I'm glad you find me jumping and getting startled amusing" I huffed. He started laughing even harder. "It wasn't that funny Ian!"

"I know. I'm sorry. I haven't laughed in a long time it's hard to stop" His laugh slowly dyeing out.

For the first time well..ever at least since I've known him I saw his smile. It was a good smile. He doesn't have dimples but his smile shows off his beautiful pearly white teeth and his soft plump lips hide his gums. His nose crinkles just a bit when he's smiling which I find is adorable.

"Well then I'm glad I got startled." I said.

Ian stared into my eyes for a few moments and I did the same. As they say the eyes are the windows to the soul and Ian he seems content if not happy. But I also see a bit of nervousness? And I think a bit of love. But that can't be right I know he said he loved me but he can't be nervous.

"Evan may I kiss you?" Ian asked still looking into my eyes.

I turned bright red in an instance and I looked away. "Ian I..I don... I..uh.." I was covering my face with my hands when I felt two large hands grab my shoulders and spin me around. I still didn't let my hands leave my face. Slowly my hands were pulled away from my face and were being held by Ian's.

The Wolf and The WitchWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu