"Genie." Calum says softly getting my attention. I detach my lips from his neck so I can meet his eyes.

"Wha-" I go to say but end up moaning Calum's name instead as he slips a second finger in making my stomach feel just about ready to burst. My hands grip on to his shoulders as I try to compose myself.

"I..." Calum starts but then shakes his head. "Never mind." he says and before I have the chance to even ask about it, Calum's lips are back on mine.

"Are we really gonna do this here?" I ask breaking the kiss. I could feel my high building extremely fast and was a little worried.

"Don't wanna make a mess?" Calum smirks at me and I nod. "We can move to one of the rooms Genie."

"Mhm." I reply shutting my eyes, I always figured Calum would be good with his hands considering how many instruments he knew how to play I just never thought he would be this....talented?

Just as I'm about to hit my high it's ruined when Calum instantly pulls his hand away at the sound of our front door and opening and closing.

"Seriously?!" Calum slightly yells.

"What?" I hear that all too familiar voice of bloody Luke Hemmings.

"You have the worst timing." Calum tells him.

"The worst." I say looking at Luke who was standing in the living room looking oddly lost.

"Heard that before." Luke shrugs before walking off to the kitchen, that boy was a little oblivious.

"Sorry." Calum lightly laughs looking at me. I let out a small groan before burying my head in Calum's chest.

"That boy needs to learn how to knock." I mumble.

"He needs to learn a lot more then that." I move my head from Calum's chest to look at him.

"What were you gonna say before?" I ask Calum who frowns. "Nothing, It's not important. "

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." Calum gives me a small smile. "We'll finish this later okay?"

"We better." I smile at him and he grins before pecking me on the lips.

"We will." I let out a small sigh before hoping off Calum who stands up almost immediately.

"I'm gonna to the bathroom." Calum tells me and I nod.

Damn you Luke Hemmings.


"Genie!" Calum calls from the living room.

I let a small sigh before leaving my bedroom and going in to the living room where Luke and Calum were hanging out.


"Luke wants to ask you something." Calum tells me looking amused, I look at Luke who looks awfully annoyed.

"Ask away Hemmings." I encourage.

"You're a dick." Luke says to Calum before looking at me. "Uhm...how's Claudia?"

"Is that seriously what you want to ask me?" I frown at him.

"Yeah Luke is it?" Calum smirks getting a glare from Luke.

"At the moment." Luke shrugs.

"She's um good?" I say and Luke nods before looking back at the tv. "Am I missing something?"

Luke says no at the same time as Calum says yes.

"I have no idea what you two are going on about but Luke, Claudia thinks you gave her cock fright."

The Boyfriend Project. C.H. (A.U.) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now