17. On the Road (Roman)

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Getting up was hard.

Getting dressed was hard. 

Getting out was hard. 

Today was just simply a bad day. My wrist was burning. My lungs were tight, and I'm pretty sure I was in the bathroom 5 times just this morning. Virgil insisted I not join them because he could tell I was not doing too well. I refused to stay behind. I just got him back. I'm not going to send him off on a job that could be dangerous and risk losing him again. I want to spend whatever time here I have with him. That's final.

I glanced over at him and smiled. I cut his hair short but kept some of it long enough to style. Today he decided with his typical emo fringe. It was nice. He still had the black lipstick and badass biker chick outfit on but at least he looked more like himself.

He was happy I chose to wear the outfit, that he got me, today. He told me no armor though. He said that it was enchanted and didn't need armor. I don't see how a red muscle shirt, a black suit-like jacket, and black pants were enough protection.

I looked out the window of the car and sighed. I glanced down at my wrist as the burning started up again. Another flower. How many was that just today? 5... 6... 7... they're appearing fast today. It was already at my elbow. 

"Hey, Virgil. Promise me in the next life we'll look for each other. No matter what we won't just wait."

"Of course. But Roman..." I looked back out the window trying very hard not to look over at him. "I don't plan on dying anytime soon. Do you?"

"I just want be proactive. That's all." I cringed as my other wrist began to burn. Holding my breath as it started to itch. This isn't good.

"Roman? Are you ok?" I glanced over at Virgil and saw this look of fear in his eyes. "You itching again."

"You've been doing that a lot lately. Are you allergic to something?" Patton peaked over to look back at us just as Logan sneezed. "Could it be the same thing that's setting your allergies of Logi?"

"Patton, I told you it can't be my allergies. I am only allergic to dogs." Virgil's eyes went wide. He looked over at me terrified. 

"Please tell me you aren't allergic to dogs." I could see the panic set in him like a wave crashing to shore. I grabbed him, pulling him in close. "Please tell me it's not my fault." My eyes went wide as he closed his eyes, gripping my shirt. I glanced over at Patton and his eyes darkened.

"It's not an allergy. I promise." Patton turned back around and we all sat in silence for the rest of the ride. Looking at the station as we arrived, I got to say it was...

"Primitive." I turned to Virgil and laughed. Yeah, I guess to us it was. It was just this shack and one track. The train, itself was an older modal. Black and steam-powered too.  Logan just stared at us confused.

"Primitive? This train is the latest invention." I burst out laughing like a madman. Virgil just sighed smirking like he does.

"You call this your latest and greatest? This steam-powered train? When you have a car right there that's far more superior in make? You guys are so backward. We have things called bullet trains that are so fast its..." My head started spinning and I had to stop so I didn't fall. My shoulder burning, as the air started to leave me."Nevermind."

"Roman?" Virgil glanced over at me and I smiled. 

"I'm fine. Just a little dizzy is all." Virgil nodded as he hesitantly made his way inside to find the owner. Logan followed suit sneezing once again as he opened the door. I glanced over to find Patton looking back, a frown on his face. "You ok Pat?"

"Are you?"

"Yeah, like I said just dizzy." He shook his head, grabbing my arm and leading me over to the bench. "Pat, seriously..."

"You have a fever. I want to check your arm." I nodded taking my jacket off. Patton's eyes furrowed at the sight of all the roses tattoos on my arm. By now it looked like I had A full sleeve. If it didn't symbolize such a bad thing, I probably would have like it. He spotted my wrist and took a sharp breath. I had itched it so much it started to bleed. I must have made it worse. "How long?"

A̸̢͠cr̷͘os͜҉s ̢T͟͝͡h̀́͝e͞ ̶͠͡S̸͠ķy̷͘: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now