6.Fight? (Virgil)

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"MORALITY?!" Wait, did he just say... "Uh... I-I. I mean. More... uh... More tea. You don't have tea though so... Do you want tea? Yeah, that's what I said. Would you like any tea?"

"Yes, That would be nice, and a cookie if you have any." He totally just said Morality. Right? I'm not imagining it? I'm confused. What's going on?

"I'll get them right away." I watched as Alex left the room and I would be lying if I said I was totally ok. I've been sort of depending on him for a while now. I lost track of how long it's been. After my Father died, it's been nothing but work. But, If I had to guess, I would assume a month, maybe two, certainly not just a bit of time passed. Patton was halfway across the world, helping build a new school with Logan. I'm surprised he showed up at all.

"I must admit, I am slightly confused. You are at war, yes?" I glanced up at Patton as he pushed his glasses farther on his face.

"If you could call this a war? We aren't doing too well. Rations are scarce. Moral is low, and I have no idea what our next move should be. Other than asking for your assistance." Patton paused to think. He was the only one I would trust to take advice from. Well him and the rest of the Sides.

"Moral is low because you are not with them. It's hard to fight when you feel forgotten or ignored." I looked up to find Alex handing Patton his tea and two cookies. He then walked over and handed me a cup as well this one filled with coffee. Something I was very proud to bring to this place. The castle is the only place you can find it but eventually, it will be released. once I find a steady stream of coffee bean that is. Sorry, but I can't live without my coffee. Forget about running a country. "I suggest joining in the major battles, being there to provide aid and assistance. As well as provide them with a much needed mental break. Sometimes the best thing to get you back on your feet is to step away and not have to think."

"Your suggesting I fight?" Alex just stood there almost embarrassed. I wasn't mad. I told him he was free to talk to me. If he had an opinion share it. That way I got the low down on this country. However, instead, I think I just got the low down on politics and chivalry. 

"Those are brilliant ideas. It would be sure to boost moral knowing you weren't just fighting for your king but that your king was fighting for you." Patton said as he scarfed down the cookies. He had to stop because he began to choke and he had to drink. This is terrible. They're both telling me I have to fight. What is this gang up on Virgil day or something? I can't fight. I've never even held a sword.

"You seriously think me fighting on the front line would help?"

"Yes, of course, it would. I've seen how it affects my soldiers." Again I saw Alex go a little white there and backtrack. There is something going on with him and I don't like being left out of the loop. "I mean, I've seen the soldier when they came home. After a battle with the king. More came home then when not." 

"Ok, but how. Isn't it dangerous? I mean it is a war here. Wouldn't me joining in the fight risk the kingdom losing a ruler?"

"Your a prince, surely you have had some training. I personally started... heard they started very young, like around 5." Patton was just staring at Alex, while I was in freak out mode. I am also sure the prince had training. Unfortunately, I DID NOT HAVE ANY! 

"Of course I did." Not... What do I do? If I tell the truth I risk retaliation. If I tell too much of the truth, I risk burning at the stake. If I do nothing and agree to fight, I RISK DEATH! Life was so much easier when I was at home. Next life I hope I'm reincarnated as a fucking dog or something.

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I heard laughter erupt throughout the room and I jumped up in shock. Patton looked at me with worry, while Alex looked white as a ghost. Please tell me I didn't just fuck myself over or something. That voice is never a good sign at all!

Well, It won't matter if I don't get some training or something. Guess I have to call for him now.

"Fine... Someone find me Deceit."

A̸̢͠cr̷͘os͜҉s ̢T͟͝͡h̀́͝e͞ ̶͠͡S̸͠ķy̷͘: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now