7.Altura's Number One Knight (Virgil)

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"Shit!" I yelled as I hit the wall behind me for the fifth time in the last hour. Alex got this pained expression at watching this. However, I told him not to do anything. He is a farmer's child, after all, I would hate for him to get hurt. I slowly got up and got back into position only to find a sword once again coming at me. I dodged, although barely, only to get sideswiped and land on my ass. 

"Pay attention to everything around you, not just the sword." I looked up to find Deceit standing over me. His sword pointed right above my chest. "One missed observation could mean death. One wrong step, one lost chance... Means death. Don't ever lose sight of what you're really fighting."

"You?" I heard Alex mumble under his breath. Deceit scowled and next thing I knew a knife was sticking out of the wall directly where Alex had been. He somehow managed to dodge it and I am not going to ask how. 

"No, Your fighting Death itself."

"You aren't exactly going easy on him, you know?" Alex called out as he pulled the knife out of the wall, throwing it at Deceit, who caught it effortlessly between two fingers.

"Would his enemies?" 

"Last I checked he wasn't fighting an enemy."

"Not yet, but being soft simply because he's the future king does nothing for him. And it certainly does nothing for the kingdom."

"Seriously?! There are other ways of teaching things, and that includes combat. You're the stereotype for combat training. Hard ass fighter running his student ragged to the point of near death for just the simple basics." Deceit narrowed his eyes and scoffed. He walked over, grabbing my sword and tossing it at Alex's feet. I just about freaked out. I'm not entirely sure why. I mean Deceit wouldn't kill him, but it's just... I don't want him to get hurt. I've grown close to him... AS FRIENDS! Obviously.

"You talk like you know." Alex picked up the sword and just looked at it. "Or was that a misinterpretation?"

"You're asking if I know how to handle a sword?" Deceit nodded and Alex burst out laughing. Meanwhile, just seeing Alex that close to something so... deadly... I was on the verge of a full-blown panic attack. Alex took the sword in one hand and expertly began to cut through the air as if fighting several enemies at once. "Yeah, I'm sure I know my way around one."

"All right then, care for a spar?" Alex's eyes lit up like the fourth of July. Honestly, he looked like how I would imagine Roman would if asked the same question. I'm starting to get suspicious. Just who is this Alexander Maudit?

"Do I ever..." And with that Alex launched himself at Deceit without even a moment's hesitation. He swung and Deceit parried. I watched as Deceit tried to knock Alex's feet from under him, but Alex jumped up just in time. Returning the favor by sucker punching him in the mouth. "I thought you said you had to be aware of everything?"

"Don't get cocky!" Alex went to punch him again but Deceit dropped into a split, punching him in the gut. He then got up, grabbing his sword that he dropped, and went to strike him. Alex managed to stumble out of the way before it hit. I watched as Deceit spun, using the momentum to throw something at Alex at high speeds. Alex brought the heel of his foot down onto a wooden weapon shelf, kicking up a piece of it, just in time to block the knife that Deceit had just thrown. "Stop relying on luck kid! Luck favors no one!"

"Not true, Darling. Luck favors the prepared!" Alex said just before tossing the plank of wood he had at Deceit. Deceit went to block the wood and I was so tense and anxious I stopped watching. When I finally opened my eyes again, Deceit was on his ass and Alex had two swords at his throat.

"How?" I was so lost. How did Alex, a farmers son, beat Deceit, Altura's greatest knight?! How is this possible? I mean, I am so happy that Alex is ok. I am ecstatic that Alex will be able to handle himself in war because I cannot go alone. But I still can't wrap my head around it.

"Would you believe me if I said watching movies?" Movies?! There is no way he would have learned them from movies! Wait, a minute. I watched as Alex helped Deceit up and the both of them leave to wash up. I just stood there, my thoughts running rampant on my already ravaged mind. Movies? They don't exist here. Not only that but that was what the third or fourth time he made a Disney reference? Plus how quickly he jumped at the chance to fight Deceit. Please tell me I'm wrong! Please tell me it isn't him! It can't! Please... 


A̸̢͠cr̷͘os͜҉s ̢T͟͝͡h̀́͝e͞ ̶͠͡S̸͠ķy̷͘: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now