15. Anger Issues. (Virgil)

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"I don't care about profit. This is not worth 5 gold pieces, let alone 25." I yelled in frustration. I have been standing here for 5 minutes fighting with this woman because her prices are insane.

"It took 20g just to make." I glanced back at Roman who was trying very hard to not look like was with me. That armor is horrendous, which is why I brought him here in the first place. All I want to do is get him better equipment but this BITCH is trying to strongarm me. "Look, I can maybe lower it 20g and 500s but I have to make some sort of profit."

"How about this..." I grabbed the women by the neck and slammed her head into the counter.  "You take the 5g, you make the sale, and I don't freak out." I placed the gold pieces on the counter beside her head and let go. "And as an added bonus, I'll even give you this jerks armor. I'm sure you'll fix it up nice and scam some other idiot into paying your outrages prices. Make up for your lost profit." 

"I'm sor..."

"Make. The. Sale!" I practically growl it as I felt my fangs grow in response to my anger. The woman's eyes went wide and I watched as she shakily rang it up as the lowered price. I gave the outfit to Roman, who was just staring at me with utter shock.  It took him a while to take off his armor but as soon as he did I left the store. If I stayed in there any longer I probably would have broken something.

One thing about weres... They are angry. They have the shortest fuse and I already had a very short fuse... so now it's pretty much non-existent. 

"What the hell was that about Virgil?" Roman asked as he came out of the store. He was obviously confused and concerned. "Why did you do that?"

"Drop it Roman, I still want to go to a few more stores." Roman grabbed my arm and spun me around to look at him. 

"I don't think that's a very good idea. Not if you're going to assault every merchant we see."

"I said drop it, Roman." 

"Virgil, I..." Next thing I knew I had him against a wall for the second time since reuniting.

"DROP IT RO..." I was cut off by someone running into me. He didn't even apologize he just knocked me over and kept going. I could feel the anger begin to bubble and I froze. This is not good. Not here. Not with him. I can't lose it here. "We're going back!"

I didn't even give him a chance to respond. I just turned and headed back to the hotel. All the while clenching my fists. I could feel as my claws began digging into my palms. When we finally got back I collapsed on to the bed. I knew Roman was staring. I also knew it was because he was just concerned. He doesn't understand what's going on with me. How exactly do you tell someone something like this? 

Oh, so you know how there are different types of monsters here. Well, there are these things called Were's and it turns out that I am one of them. And my anger well it stems from being one but its also a trigger so If I happen to get too upset I could end up clawing someones face off. But don't worry I'm harmless, just totally ignore all my violent outburst.

Yeah, I don't see that going over very well...

A̸̢͠cr̷͘os͜҉s ̢T͟͝͡h̀́͝e͞ ̶͠͡S̸͠ķy̷͘: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now