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I got up early the next morning to check on Zuma again. He had rolled himself over in the middle of the night, at least I know he's able to move himself. But still it hurts to see him like this. I remember him as a pup running around and having fun and helping those who need help, not stuck in a deep sleep. I keep hoping that he will wake up within the next second, and if he doesn't he's dreaming, not having a nightmare. I turned around and Rocky was standing in the doorway. "Morning, Rocky." I said. "Is he awake?" Rocky asked. "No, I'm afraid not, bud." Rocky sighed in disappointment. He held up a small, orange and brown blanket. "I was at the Look Out earlier, and I found his old blanket from when he was a small pup." I took it from him gently and looked at it. "I thought he might want it, you know, if he was awake." I smiled and covered it on top of Zuma. "You miss him, don't you?" I asked. Rocky nodded and tears started to build up in his eyes. "Hello?" Someone called from the front part of the clinic. "Katie? Zuma? Rocky? Anybody here?" He was extremely familiar. "Marshall? Skye?" Another voice said, also familiar. "It's Ryder! And Chase!" Rocky yelled, running to the front of the clinic. I ran out and sure enough, Ryder was there, hugging Rocky. "I'm so happy you're back!" He said, licking Ryder's cheek. "I missed you!" "I missed you too, Rocky." Ryder said putting him down next to Chase. The two pups started to play fight with each other, barking happily. I walked over to Ryder and hugged him, and he hugged back. "You scared me to death, you know that right?" I whispered into his ear. "I know, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." He whispered back. I kissed his cheek. "I know you didn't." We broke off as Skye was coming out, yawning and rubbing her eye. "Morning, Katie." She said. "How's Zuma?" She froze and a wide smile showed up on her face. "Pups!" She squealed. "Ryder's back! Ryder's back!" She ran back to my room and we could hear her. "Pups! Ryder's back!" "He is?!" Rubble asked. "Yeah! Come on!" "Here comes the stampede." I joked, taking a step back. Skye came running back out with Rubble and Marshall, who was limping over. The jumped up on him and sent him tumbling over. "I missed you pups." Ryder said, giving them all an ear scratch. "You have no idea what we just did to get back to you guys." Chase added. Ryder looked around. "Where's Zuma?" The pups' tails stopped wagging. I had to tell him. "He's not... you know... is he?" I looked at my sneakers. "Is he?" "No, but..." Ryder got back up on his feet. "But what?" Here goes.

"He's in a coma, Ryder. Fell asleep a few minutes after a bullet wound to his shoulder." He stared at me. "I patched him up and he's fine, but he's been asleep for two days." I turned the TV back on that showed Zuma's heart monitor. It was beeping normally, like it had been when I checked on his earlier. "Well at least we know that he's alive." The monitor did that long beep again. "Not again!" I jumped over the check on desk and ran to Zuma's room. Ryder and Chase caught up to me just as I looked at the wires. "Zuma?!" I held up the connection wire. "False alarm. The cable fell out of its port again." Ryder put a hand on his heart and gave out a breath of relief. "Thank God." I pushed the wire back into the port and it started to do it's continuous beep...beep... beep... (to be continued)

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