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Zuma's POV

I opened my eyes and I was looking stwaight into Skye's eyes, cweepy. I jumped up under the comfowter. "Sorry, Zuma." She said, wagging her tail. "That's okay." I said, stwetching out my legs. "Let's go wake up the other pups." I snuggled my way fwom under Whyder's arm and followed Skye outside. "Pups! Time to get up!" Ahee said. Rocky was the fiwst one up. "Is it morning already?" He asked. "Yup." I say, wide awake and in my gear. I didn't tell him that today is bath day.

Rubble walked out of his pup house and shook off his mask. "Where's Ryder?" He asked. "We're letting him sleep." Skye said. "He was scared to death yesterday. He needs to west up." I added. "When are we gonna eat, then?" Marshall asked. "I'm starving." "Oh yeah. I'll go wake him up." I ran back inside to Whyder's woom. I ran for the pup door, but I didn't go thwough. 'He's pwobably getting dwessed.' I knocked on the door. "Whyder?" I said. "It's Zuma." Nothing in weply . "Whyder?" Still nothing. I buckwed my helmet and backed up. "Cannonball!" I shouted. I ran at the pup door a smashed thwough with my head. I tumbled in like a ball on the fwoor and landed fwat like one of those animal rugs, I was dizzy. I bwinked and shook out my head and swowly rose to my feet. I wooked at pup door. Someone had taped it shut. Why would Whyder do that? No, he wouldn't do that. "Whyder?"...

PAW Patrol: Pups Save Their Pupजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें