Two 6 year olds already?!

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Nicole's POV

"Momma! Dad!"

"Yes Issac?"

"Come quickly."

I looked over at Zach who gave me a tight smile before we followed Issac. He ran downstairs and tothe kitchen where a bleeding Lisa laid on the ground.

"We were outside playing and she ran in front of the people who were shooting targets. She got hit in the shoulder."

Zachary picked her up while I picked up Issaquah. We ran upstairs and to the hospital wing. When we got there people rushed out and took Alisa to surgery.

Zach came and wrapped his arms around me and Issac as we sat on the ground and cried.


I woke up and screamed. Zach shot up and looked around until he saw me. He sighed and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. He hugged me to his chest while I cried.

"It's okay princess. What's wrong."

"It was just a dream. Right?"

"What was just a dream princess?"

"Alisa getting shot."

"Yeah. It was just a dream."

I nodded and held a fist full of Zach's shirt. He kissed the top of my head. He mumbled sweet nothings into my hair while rubbing my back.

Issaquah's POV

Me and Alisa peeked into mom and dad's room after we heard her scream. We saw dad holding mom while she cried.


"Yeah Lisa?"

"I want someone to love me as much as dad loves mom."

"You'll find someone. I promise."

She nodded and went back to her room. I stayed a little bit longer watching them. I wanted to love someone that much. I smiled and closed the door before walking back to my room. I climbed into my bed and laid down watching Cars. I slowly fell asleep with a wanting feeling of the type of love I just witnesses.

Alisa's POV

After I witnessed the ammount of love dad has for mom, I knew right then and there that I wanted someone to love me that way. I looked over at Issaquah who I knew was feeling the same way I was.


"Yeah Lisa?"

"I want someone to love me as much as dad loves mom."

"You'll find someone. I promise."

I nodded and walked back to my room. I turned to the TV and watched Cinderella knowing that Issac was watching a bit longer. I heard his door close before I finally relaxed and decided to go to sleep. I knew we both liked how much mom cared for dad and how much dad cared for mom.

Zach's POV

After a couple minutes Nicole had finally calmed down. I laid next to her and wrapped my arm around her pulling her closer to me. She moved closer to me and held onto my shirt as she fell back asleep.

"I love you so fucking much Nicky."

"I love you too. More than you know Zachy."

I kissed her temple and pulled her closer if possible. Soon we both fell into a deep sleep. And it was a extremely peaceful sleep knowing my kids were safe and my wife was right in my arms with the dog at the end of our bed.

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