Getting to know Zachary

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Nicole's POV

I got to drive my brother's Jeep. I was listening to High hopes by Panic! At The Disco when Zachary started talking.



"Say my name."


"Say it."

"Fine. Zachary."

"Don't call me Zachary."

"Why not."

"I never gave you permission."

"I never gave you permission to call me Coley but you still call me that."

"Well I like calling you Coley."

"And I like calling you Zachary."

He groaned and then had a smirk on his face.

"What are you thinking?"

"How about we make up nicknames for each other that only the other person can call the other."


"Because then it could be our special thing, ya know."

"Fine. What did you have in mind."


"Nicky? Really?"


"Fine, then you are Zachy."

"Zachy? Really?"



I smiled and turned into Bruams and parked the Jeep. I got out locking it.

"Let's go."

Zachary got out and we walked into Bruams and I see the dude who gave me his number. I look at Zachary and tapped his shoulder.

"Act like my boyfriend while we are here."


"That dude with the dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes, he gave me his number when Mitch and I came here. Please Zachy."

"Okay I will. Only because I really like you."

"No you love me, remember, you said it when I was convinced that you hate me."

"Okay only cause I love you."

I smiled and hugged him then we walked over to order.

"Hey cutie. How can I help you?"

"Zachy, I just want a vanilla milkshake and large fries."

"Okay babe."

"We would like two large vanilla milkshakes and two large fries."

"Is that all?"


He gave us our total and we paid but I didn't miss the glare he gave Zachary. We went and sat down for a bit and talked.

"Zachy, I owe you."

"Well just make our time together great and then you don't owe me. I smiled and kissed his cheek. He smiled and then our order came with a napkin with his name and number on it.

"See Zachy."

"I got this."

I followed him up there while he held the napkin and had his arm around my waist.

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