If only he was mine

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Nicole's POV

Zachary Rylan Richards is his name. I want him to be mine but he is my brother's best friend. My brother would kill him if he tried anything with me, but I also hate him.

"Nicole! Come on, we have to go!"

"I don't want to stay in the same house as Zachary! He is a total asshole to me!"

"Well stay away from him!"

"Gosh you are stupid Mitch."

I grabbed my bag and stomped down stairs.

"Daddy, can I please come with you?"

"Sorry but you can't."

I frowned and looked at mom but she shook her head with a sad smile. I groaned and stomped outside to Mitch's blue jeep.

"Sorry Coley but I have no choice."

"Then drop my off at Becky's house."

"Not allowed. Dad said."

"I hate you."

"I love you too. Now suck it up."

I flipped him off and put my headphones in and turned my music all the way up playing The way I am by Charlie Puth. My brother nudged me and handed my the aux chord. At least he likes my music. I plugged my phone in and started the song over. We drove down the road singing the song. We are both pretty good singers.

After the song we laughed and then he glanced at me real fast.

"Sorry that we have to go to Zach's for a couple weeks. I know how much you hate him."

"Yeah I hate him but you said it yourself, you didn't have a choice."

He smiled then pulled into Braums.

"Oh my gosh! I love you!"

"I know now come on we have food to get. Well more like milkshakes."

We laughed and walked into Braums. The dude who we ordered our vanilla milkshakes from kept staring at me.

"Mitch, that guy won't stop staring at me."

"He better cause dad knows who owns this place and he can get him fired."

I smiled and he handed me two napkins and Mitch our drinks. We walked out and I saw a number on a napkin. I laughed and showed Mitch.

"What do you say about making s'mores and throwing this in the fire, Mitch?"

"Sounds like a plan. Here's your drink."

I smiled and took and we got back into the jeep. After three songs by Panic! At The Disco we were finally at Zach's. I frowned and Mitch gave me a sad smile. My brother and his friend are not players. They always turn down girls because our parents didn't raise us as whores.

"Hey dude."

"Hey Zach."

They did their dumb bro hug and Zach came to hug my but I stepped aside.

"Hi Coley."

"Don't call me that."

"Wow not even a hi. What crawled up your ass and died?"

I rolled my eyes and walked off flipping him off.

"That can be arranged."

I then heard a loud smack and I turned around to see Mitch pissed off and Zachary rubbing the back of his head.

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