2 years later

326 14 5

Nicole's POV

I have been out of school for two years now. We always get out on my birthday. I'm 19 and Zach is twenty. We are still together even though it has been hard. He has been acting strange for the past couple days though. Zach is now 20 and about to be twenty one but it's my birthday today so technically now I'm 19 as of today.

"Mitch! Have you seen Zach?"

"No. Why?"

"I can't find him anywhere."

"Did you try that willow tree you guys went to on the day Zach made things official?"


"Try there."

I nodded and ran to go get ready. I grabbed my phone and one of Zach's hoodies before walking out he door.

I walked down the path and saw Luke running over to me.

"Hey Luke."

He ran around me and then towards the willow. I ran after him but stopped when I saw a path made of rose petals.

I followed them to under the willow to see Zach in nice jeans and a black button down shirt.

"Nicole Bethany Harrington, you are the most beautiful girl I know and the only one I want to be with. I have loved you since I was 12 and I still love you. I can't see a day of my life with out you. You are my everything. The reason I smile, laugh, and wake up. You are my world. I would do anything to see you happy. I'm shocked that you are still with me even after through our rough times. I love you, forever and always. So will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?"

I smiled and launched myself at him kissing him.

"Of course I will."

He smiled and kissed me again. I heard the sound of a camera go off but I didn't care. We were two people kissing on the fucking ground under a willow tree.

"Okay you two. Break it up before I lose my lunch."

Zach pulled away getting up before helping my up. He wrapped his arm around my waist and turned around walking us down the hill. There stood the while gang.

"She said yes!"

They all cheered as Zach pulled me to him. Becky came over and grabbed my hand looking at the ring.

"You know, I helped pick this out."

I laughed.

"I figured because you are the only one that I have talked to about this day."

We laughed as everyone congratulated me. And some hugged me. Their were girls who glared at me but I just smiled which ticked them off.

"You know those girls walking off aren't to happy."

"I noticed. They just want me for my money but you, you want me cause you love me and can't lose me."

"You have been saying that for two years."

"You never ask me to stop so I will always say that."

I laughed and gave him a kiss before we walked into the gang house.

Everyone sat around the table as we ate and talked. Zach had my hand in his and we just ate and talked to my brother and other people. It was getting late so we decided to go to bed.

"You are no longer Nicole Bethany Harrington. You are now Nicole Bethany Richards."

"I wouldn't want it any other way."

Gang Leader's GirlNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ