Beach Vacation with Zach

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Nicole's POV

I just finished packing when Becky ran in.

"I'm so excited. Zach said we could go too. Help me pack cause we leave in an hour. Oh and your cousin is incharge while we are gone."

"Okay calm down Becky."

She laughed and then we ran to her room and packs enough clothes for 2 weeks.

"Nicky! Are you done?"

"Yes I am Zachy."

He walked up and grabbed my bags.

"I can get it myself."

"I know. I just don't care."

I rolled my eyes and gave him a kiss before we walked out the door. Luke was wagging his tail in excitement but we had my cousin stay with him.

"Luke. Come here boy."

Luke ran toward my cousin as I went and gave him a hug.

"Love you Ruben."

"Love you too Coley."

"Nicky come on."


"I'll explain later."

He nodded and walked inside while I got into the car with Zach.

"Hurry up I want to go to this vacation place."


"Where is this place anyways?"

"It's a surprise. I have been telling you this for two weeks. You'll love it Nicky, trust me."

I groaned and turned on the radio and flipped through the channels until I found one that would work for me. I soon got bored and played the song that I love so much.

"Does she move your body like I moved your body, cause I wanna know, yeah, I wanna know. Does she make you feel wanted is she all you wanted, cause I wanna know, yeah, I wanna know. I want to know."

Zach laughed and grabbed my hand and pressed it to his lips.

"I love you tons Nicky."

"I love you tons too Zachy."

It felt like it took forever to get to the place we were staying at for a month.

"We're staying in San Diego?!"


"Oh my gosh. I love you!"

"Good cause I love you."

I smiled and when we stopped I gave Zach a kiss.

"I fucking love you Zachary Rylan Richards."

"I fucking love you too Nicole Bethany Richards."

I gave him another kiss and then we got out and grabbed our bags going to our room in the hotel.

"Do we have pop tarts?"

"Well I didn't know what kind you wanted so I figured we could go right now and see what they have."

"Sounds like a plan."

"Come on Nicky."

Zach walked over to me and s ooped me up into his arms.

"Babe, I can walk you know."

"I know but I don't care."

I laughed and kissed his jaw then his neck and lastly his lips before laying my head on his chest.

"I love you Nicky."

"I love you too."

I gave me a quick kiss before he set me down and opened the door for me. I smiled and got in buckling up while he ran to his side and hopped in.

"To the store!"

"You are one weird girl."

"You love me anyways."

"I wouldn't be marrying you if I didn't love you."

I smiled and Zach took off down the street. Being in the gang doesn't mean someone gets shot every single day. It only happens once in a while.


"Do I want strawberry or s'mores?"

"How about we get both."

"That'll work."

I grabbed the boxes and put them in the cart. I went and grabbed some cereal and milk and put it in the cart before we went and paid.

"Why did you get milk and cereal if we don't have a mini fridge?"

"Tonight we are going to eat cereal with Mitch and Becky."


I laughed as I grabbed the bags and we walked into our hotel room.

"I got my pop tarts. I got my pop tarts. I got my pop tarts. Hey. Hey. Hey."

"What was that about?"

"My pop tarts."

"Damn I love you Nicole."

"I love you too Zachary."

We walked to the elevator and got on pressing the button to go to our floor. Zach wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my neck.

"Zachary Rylan Richards you are one person I can never stay mad at."

"Good because I can't stay mad at you even if I tried."

I laughed and kissed him on his jaw and walked off once the elevator stopped.

"Nicole Bethany Richards get back here."

"I want my pop tarts so hurry up Zachary Rylan Richards."

He groaned and walked faster before opening the door for me. I walked in and set everything down turning to Zachary.

He looked at me before attacking my lips with his. I smiled kissing him back pulling him closer. He lifted me up laying me on the bed and holding himself with his elbows.

I pulled away as he looked down at me.

"I love you Nicky."

"I love you too Zachy."

I gave him a short kiss before there was a knock on the door.

"Open up Nicole."

"Hold on a second."

I set out some bowls and some spoons and then went and opened the door. Becky walked in dragging Mitch by the ear.

"What did Mitch do now?"

"Mitch was being an ass and wouldn't let me go to the mall."

"You screwed up there. That's why I'm on Nicky's good side."

"Mitch when a girl wants to go to the mall you want to let her or this happens."

"Well I was to tired to go to the mall. I promise to take you tomorrow after breakfast just let go of my ear woman."

"Is that anyway to speak to your fiance?"


"Yeah he wasn't to tired to take me to a nice place and propose."

"I waisted my energy on worrying that you would say no."

Becky laughed as Mitch stuck his tongue out at her. Sometimes I question his age when he acts like this.

"Come on we are eating cereal because I'm really tired."

They nodded and started making them some cereal.

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