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Zachary's POV

I woke up to my side of the bed cold. We eventually went to our room to take a shower last night before going to bed since Mitch had the twins. I shot up in bed and looked around the room. I got out of bed and threw on a jacket and check the bathroom. No one.


I waited for a response and got nothing. I ran out of the room and looked everywhere up stairs and slowly made my way to the bottom. I walked into the living room and still couldn't find her. The kitchen. I walked in and she wasn't there.

"Nicky, this isn't funny!"

Still nothing. That's when I noticed the notw on the fridge. To say I was nervous would be an understatement. I was freaking out since last time it was a note from someone who took her from me for two almost three months. I slowly read it over and over before sighing in relief.

I started some coffee and started some breakfazt since she might take a while at the store.I had just finished breakfast when I heard the door open. I heard the sound of bags and relaxed.

I got started on my cup of coffee and leaned against the counter drinking it while she walked in.

"Morning Nicky."

"How long have you been up?"

"Thirty minutes now."

"Weren't you the slightest bit worried?"

"No. I just checked every single room with my gun in my hand before reading your note and making breakfast. I was totally calm."

"Zachy, I'm sorry but it's Thanksgiving and I was going to start the turkey for tomorrow."

I sighed and set my cup down and walked over to her. She dropped the bags and looked down as if I would hit her if she looked me in the eyes.

I gently grabbed her face and made her look at me. I gave her a kiss and wrapped my arms around her. She gladly hugged me back like her life depended on it.

"It's okay Nicole. I was just worried about you."

"I didn't mean to scare you."

She let out a sob which made my heart break. I tightened my grip and put my head in her neck.

"It's okay Nicky. It's okay."

She nodded her head, still crying while I held her in my arms. She pulled away and wiped away her tears.

"I made breakfast. Why don't you go sit down and eat and I'll put everything away okay?"


I leaned down and gave her a light kiss before starting to put things away.


"Yes Nicole?"

"I love you."

"I love you more."

She smiled and went to sit down in the dining room to eat. After I finished I grabbed my coffee and set on the table next to Nicole and went to get me some food.

"Mom! Dad! We're home."

Nicole sgot up and ran to the living room taking the twins out of Mitch's arms and smiling. Mitch pouted but smiled soon after.

"Shr doesn't trust me enough Zach."

"I don't blame her. She has a husband who can't give them both a bath with out being soaked to the bone."

"I thought you were her husband. Is she cheating in you?"

"No dimwit. I'm talking about me."

"Really Mitch? You really think I would cheat on Zach?"

"I was kidding."

Nicole rolled her eyes and walked over to me. I smiled and took Lisa and gave Nicole a quick kiss.

"Where's Becky when I need her?"

"Right here."

His eyes lit up as he went and gave her a quick kiss.

"So while the kids play and the boys watch them, me and Coley have a dinner to start."

Nicole nodded and gave me Issac before her and Becky disappeared into the kitchen.

"So what do you wanna do?"

"You heard them let the kids play and we watch."

I rolled my eyes and set the twins down.  They walked around and played while a sat on the couch and watched. Soon they both fell and started crying I shot up and picked both of them up while Mitch froze in shock.

"Mitch help me calm them down."


She wLked in and I walked over to her and gave her Lisa. I held Issac and worked on calming him down while Nicole worked on calming Lisa down. I leaned down and gave Nicole and Lisa a kiss on their forehead.

The twins quieted down and Nicole gave me a quick kiss before handing Lisa to me. I smiled and set the twins down in their play area.

"Are they okay?"


"Sorry I was shocked and worried. I had questions cloud my mind."

"That's understood."

Nicole ran out of the kitchen with flour in her hand before getting hit with some. She laughed and threw hers at Becky before running behind me. I laughed as they circled around me.

"Becky and Nicole."

"Yes Mitch?"

"Go finish the food cause I'm hungry."

"Guess what Mitch."


"It's done but you can have some if you clean up the mess."

"What about Zach?"

"He's the leader of the gang and we don't want to be on his bad side."

"Fine. Don't eat without me though."

"We won't."

"Okay good."

Nicole laughed along with Becky before looking at each other.

"We're going to go take showers and change. No eating until we are done."

"Yes ma'am. And Becky."

They laughed and ran upstairs.

"Finally done."

"We aren't allowed to eat until they get back."

"Where are they?"

"Showering then changing."

"Well this wouldn't be happening if they hadn't thrown flour at each other."

"They were having fun Mitch."

"Luke we used to when we helped them make food."


We both laughed at the memories of them yelling at us.

"Those were the good days."

"And when your parents laughed at us running from them while they chased us with spoons."

"And every time they caught us they would hit us over the head."

"I miss those days."

"There are more a head of us Zach."

The girls walked down or ran down laughing slightly. Becky dragged Mitch, who had their child, to the kitchen. Nicole walked up to me with our children and leaned up giving me a kiss.

"Happy Thanksgiving Mr. Richards."

"Happy Thanksgiving Mrs. Richards."

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