Chapter 77

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"Your worshipfulness, we can't stay here much longer!!" Han yelled as he continued to blast the stormtroopers that were continually coming at the ship, dodging behind the landing gear. The shields were thankfully repealing most of the blaster shots that hit home, but by now they had been shot at for so long, it was getting to the point that the ship might begin to take damage.

"We have too!!" Leia yelled in reply from her position behind the ramp with Padmé.

"I'm sure Anakin can figure another way out!!"

"We are not leaving!!"

"Leia, we can't stay much longer and expect to still be able to run!!"

"We are staying!!"

Han let loose several curses as he considered straight up stunning Leia so she would come with them. Chewie had long since gotten the Falcon ready for take off.

"Leia, Han has a point!!" Obi-Wan yelled. He had taken out his lightsaber long ago as to help defend the ship, which meant nearly all of the stormtroopers were shooting at him. It also meant that he was getting very tired. "I can't keep this up forever! Trust me, Anakin can take care of himself!"

"They're almost here!! Just a little longer!" Leia replied. Obi-Wan didn't bother to answer, just hoping that she was correct. He was re-immersing himself into the Force and didn't have the focus to bother trying to find out himself. He was a master of Soresu, but this was more than a little challenging. To continue fighting and not get hit required all of his attention.

Thankfully, Obi-Wan didn't need to wait long. Suddenly, two sapphire blades were lit and the stormtroopers were forced to scatter from the doorway as three figures ran towards the ship amidst the laser fire.

It wasn't long before all were in the ship, and by then, Chewie had already had it moving.

"You," Han yelled pointing at the Skywalkers plus Obi-Wan and Luna as he ran by, heading towards the cockpit, "guns!"

Luke and Anakin immediately went to the gunnery while everyone else, minus Threepio who hadn't moved from his seat since getting on the ship, went after Han.

"Chewie how are we looking?"

Chewie growled a reply which Luna translated to "What do you think?" or something along those lines. The tone didn't sound too positive.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Princess, get the coordinates set, I really don't feel like being an Imperial prisoner anytime soon."

"On it. Do you think we have a chance?" Leia asked as several alarms sounded for incoming fighters. Luna was feeling sick. She had told Luke to get Anakin to go ahead. They'd be out of here and out of danger by now if they had just listened to her.

"Only if we don't get caught in a tractor beam."

"That doesn't sound too promising," Obi-Wan noted. The dread in Luna's chest doubled a tenfold. This was all her fault.

"It isn't. We have incoming."

"On it," Luke said through the comm. It wasn't long before TIEs were being blasted left and right.

"Coordinates are in," Leia informed them after a moment. "Now or never."

"Punch it Chewie," Han ordered.

To Luna's, and everyone else's relief, the stars blurred as the Millennium Falcon jumped to hyperspace. She let out a breath of relief and her muscles relaxed. The adrenaline began to leave her and she felt like she needed to sit down.

"Luna, you're hurt," Padmé said, being the first to notice Luna's shoulder injury.

"I'm fine," Luna replied as Padmé began to lead her back to the main room. "Padmé, really I'm—"

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