Growing older

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We made it through the model car incident, and Patty fell from a tree. She was okay, but my boys will drive me nuts.

As the boys aged, they started dating. Jonas dated little because he kept his nose in a book. Cayson has his little girlfriends who didn't last long. Nate would always bring home a girl whom I didn't like.

On top of it, the boys would fight like cats and dogs. Nathaniel needs a delightful girl. I tolerated his girlfriends, but Gray reminded me it happens with dating. I told him he's full of shit.

As the boys aged, Gray considered dates essential for us, so we made Friday our official date night. We set aside the night for us without kids or anyone else but us.

Tonight, we would go to dinner and a movie. As I got ready, Jonas was in his bedroom. Nate was out with a girl. Cayson was at the George's house.

I fixed my hair, wearing a cute top and skirt. I applied some makeup and put on my dress shoes. I came out of the bathroom to find Gray waiting with a dozen roses. I strolled over to him.

"Are these roses for me?"

"They are."

I took the roses as he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me into a kiss. I put the roses in a vase, filling it with water. Then I set them on the counter.

He took my hand and led me out to the car. We got inside and backed out of the driveway. We drove to the restaurant, and he held my hand. As much as Gray loves his family, he loves me more.

We pulled into the parking lot and got out. Walking hand in hand into the restaurant, the hostess seated us at a table.

"I like this," I said.

"This date will remind us we're still together forever and always."

I smiled at that sentiment.

The server came and took our order. We sat and talked while we waited for our dinner. Gray possessed an authority side for the kids, but he had a different side for me. It reminded me of when we first met, and I chuckled.

"What's so funny?"

"I was thinking of when we first met, and you were my boss."

"When you referred me to as the fun police?"

He arched a brow as I laughed even more. He shook his head as he chuckled.

"No way in hell will I end up with someone like you."

"And how did it go for you?"

"Well, once you stopped being an ass, pretty damn good."

I grinned. Gray gave me a mischievous look, and I gave him one back. I never expected to meet someone like Gray. One day, a kiss had changed everything, and I fell in love with him.

Our dinner had arrived, and we ate while talking. We could talk about anything once Gray got past the bat shit crazy in me.

After we finished dinner, we headed to the movies. We sat and watched it before heading home. We returned to the house still intact. That was a marvelous accomplishment. You can never tell when we leave the boys alone.

I checked on the boys. Nate's working on a model car, Jonas's reading, and Cayson's playing on the computer. It was these times that made the craziness worth it.

I changed and got ready for bed. I walked into the bedroom, and Gray was already in bed.

"What are the boys doing?"

"Oh, you know, robbing a bank."

He rolled his eyes.

"Ask a stupid question and get a stupid answer."

I crawled into bed.

"I'll give you a stupid question."

He pulled me to him. I locked the door since Gray gets a little rowdy with sex. After we finished, I fell asleep. The boys were home, and the house was still intact.


When summer arrived, the school let out. The boys would get restless and burn off steam. I would drag the boys, a few cousins, friends, and Patty to the wave pool. We had fun without too much trouble. I even snuck in snacks for us to eat.

"Lucille! We'll get into trouble," Patty said.

"Lighten up, Patty. When you swim, you get hungry. Now have some fun. If you see an empty raft, bring it back to me."

She looked at me like I was crazy. Pft, if someone can't watch their raft, then their loss. We gained floats. My boys knew the drill since I taught them well.

At one point, we got something to eat. Coupons help when you're feeding an army.

I also noticed that Patty turned into a lobster. The boys laughed at her, and she looked miserable. When we returned home, Patty had gone home. Joan told me later that she had second-degree burns from her sunburn, making her sick. I made sure she wore a T-shirt and covered her with sunblock the next time. My boys tanned, so sunburn was never an issue.

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