Jonas Allen Gray

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It took about six hours, but the baby arrived, and it was a boy. They brought Grayson back to see us once they settled me into my room.

I cradled the baby in my arms when Gray walked over and sat next to my bed. The baby slept.

"He's beautiful, Luci."

"He is. That reminds me, we need a name. We can't go around going, hey you."

"It's funny you should mention a name."

"What did you do?"

"Well, I found someone to take Nate. For the person to take care of our holy terror, I promised to name the baby after them."


He said nothing.

"Grayson Nathaniel Gray, who did you promise to name the baby after?"

"My sister Jonas."

I arched an eyebrow at him. Yep, he did. I never heard of a boy named Jonas since it's a female name. I can see it now. This poor kid will deal with assholes because of his twit father.

"Fine, but the next one, I'm naming, if we had anymore."

"Fair enough."

I glanced at the baby.

"I guess the name Jonas Allen Gray will grow on you and me."

The hospital released us a few days later. We met Jonas at the tiny house we were staying in before they finished building our home. Grayson told her the baby's name.

"Are you crazy?" Joans asked.

"He forgot his MEDs," I said.

I put Jonas down in his cradle.

"Gray, you can't name the baby that!" She said.

"What's wrong with naming him after his aunt?" He asked.

"How about when he gets his ass beat when he goes to school?"

She looked at him like he had lost his damn mind.

"Jonas will be fine. Nate would be in school with him."

"You are a twit, aren't you?" She asked.

I laughed at their exchange.

Then Nate said, "Baby."

I turned as Nate tried to pick up the baby. I stopped him before Jonas ended up on the floor like a rag doll. Grayson sighed. Life would get crazy for us while Gray finishes the new house.

Well, I'm right. Life got interesting for us. Scratch that; life got freaking nuts. As Jonas aged, so did Nate.

Nate thought he would help me, and I caught him carrying his brother into the kitchen and dropping him. Jonas cried, and Nate patted his head.

"It's okay, baby."

"Nathaniel Mark! Stop petting your brother!"

I picked up Jonas and comforted him. Then Nate walked over and smacked Jonas.

"Bad baby."


Nate smacked me.

"Bad Ma."

Ooh, he's so going to get it.

Once Jonas settled down, I took Nathaniel in hand and swatted his butt. This boy will be my undoing.

Grayson came home to find me dealing with a stubborn toddler. He took him in hand and disciplined him. The look Nathaniel gave him was something else. I can imagine when they get older. Boy, I can guess.


Grayson finished the house, and we moved into it. It's not a long-distance move. It's always fun to deal with two kids, three and under while moving.

Between trying to keep Nate from being mean to Jonas and packing, I'm so over the concept of family. Someone, please save me.

We moved and settled in, making me happy that I didn't rip my hair out. It delighted Grayson that he was not married to a bald woman.

It made me happy with a spacious house. I can confine the boys to one area without them running loose on me. Plus, we had a big backyard for them to play in.

Life had settled down for us. We still had to prevent Nate and Jonas from killing each other. I swear these boys would be the death of me.

If they aren't getting into things, they are fighting over a toy. If we ever have another one, I hope it's a girl. I'm good with our boys. Plus, I need something to balance it out.


With the chaos happening at home, I forgot to take my pill. I hadn't been taking it because I've been too busy chasing around two devil children.

Grayson remembered the raincoats, except for one night. We're so into it that neither of us thought about taking provisions. As they say, they shoot, they score.

I didn't consider that night until I hadn't felt so hot. The stomach bug had gone around. Both boys came down with it. Then I came down with it. Except mine didn't go away.

I made a doctor's appointment, and they confirmed what we both suspected. Yep, I'm pregnant. I swear if it's not one situation, it's another. Baby Gray would arrive in October.

Grayson designed a house that had four bedrooms. I'm sure if I need to divide the kids. If this baby is like its brothers, I will up my game.

I also decided after this one, no more. I would schedule to get my tubes tied and burned after this baby. Then we wouldn't have to worry about raincoats, pills, or other contraceptives.

Yep, life got crazy for us.

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