"What's wrong sugar cube?"

I saw Damon smile for the first time in days.


She replied in a shaky voice.

Damon laughed.

"It's called an elevator and it takes us from floor to floor... it's supposed to move.. and yes it's completely safe."

She slowly moved away from the wall. She had become more comfortable just as we reached our destination.

A lady walked up to us and pinned the number 11 on our shirts. Damon waved us goodbye and headed back upstairs. Most of the tributes were already there. Everyone was gathered in a group. We both walked over to join them. When the last few districts had arrived a lady started talking. I assumed she was the one in charge.

"For the next three days you will be training here. There are stations that will have instructors they will teach you how to do the skill. Practicing or fighting with another tribute is not permitted,-"

She looked at Brisa then Killian, who was standing with Trilene.

"If you would like to train hand to hand we have instructors for that. You may go to whatever station you choose."

She waved us away. I looked down at Brisa, who seemed to be deep in thought.

"Which would you like to go to first?"

She looked around scanning the room.

"Let's go to climbing."

She pointed at tall climbing equipment. We both walked over. She placed her hand on one of the projections. She winced in pain as she tried to climb up. A instructor walked over to her.

"You must have a security harness on before beginning this."

She nodded her head solemnly. She gestured to me.

"Why don't you try."

I nodded my head as an instructor helped me put on the harness. I started to climb up the wall, it was more difficult than I thought. Brisa knew more about climbing than the instructor did, so I mostly listened to her. Once I had got the hang of it we deciding to move on to a different station.

We walked by the weapons. I tried to mentally note all of the tributes there. The boy with bleached hair, from district 1 was throwing all different types of weapons. He gave me an evil glare as we walked by. Then there was the boy from district 2 he was surprisingly strong and was doing hand to hand combat with a trainer. Out of the corner of my eye I could see a red head girl shooting a bow.

All of a sudden a spear flew right in front of us, hitting a target only a few feet away. I scooted back and looked to see who threw it. It was none other than Killian. Trilene was standing by his side wrapping her hands for combat. He gave Brisa a threatening glare. She just smiled and blew him a kiss. I didn't understand how she could act so calm around someone who caused her so much pain, and quite possibly her life.

We both walked away. I worked on fire starting as Brisa was working on the rope tying section. She was particularly good at it. She probably would have been better if she could move the rope without wincing in pain every time. She had learned how to set traps, just as I finished my section on flintstones. Once we both finished with our section we decided to start on combat training.

A bell rang out signaling us for lunch. We both walked to the lunch room. Everyone ate together. Me and Brisa sat alone on the opposite side of the room. District 4 Killian and Trilene sat together. District 6, the lovers sat next to each other and she had her head on his shoulder. I almost felt bad that they would both surely die. The career group sat together which consisted of district 1 and 2 and the girl from 9. Usually careers only let in the ones that are the strongest and could be of use to them, into their group. The brother and sister from district 3 sat together. Everyone else sat alone, lost staring into their own world.

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