Chapter 14

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Penny pov

Nico seem very hostile towards me and it's quite un-nerving actually. I wonder why he's acting like this? I wasn't expecting it, I thought he would just keep his distance and I would have to make my move towards him. Everyone was heading for the campfire and I followed feeling quite unsure so I decided to try to talk to Nico now. I saw him ahead of me glaring at gods knows what. I hurried up to catch up with him.

'Excuse me.' I said tapping his shoulder. 'Have I done something to offend you in someway?'

He turned to face me and said: 'You're a lair and I don't like lairs.'

'How am I a lair if you have never spoken to me?' I asked puzzled.

'Because of you eyes.' He said simply.

'What about my eyes?' I asked making sure I looked directly into his eyes, wishing they would turn from defensive coldness to friendly warmness I know he had.

'You have the exact same eyes as Percy.' He said.

'Many people have bright green eyes.' I replied.

'You don't understand. Your and Percy's are identical.' He said clearly not wanting to talk about this.

Well then maybe ... maybe Percy and I are siblings.' I said thoughtful. 'I always a brother.'

Nico was glaring at the floor and I knew I wasn't going to get anymore out of him than what I already had so I smile at him and said: 'Bye.'

Looking around I saw Jason and Piper sitting next to each other hand-in-hand which make me a little sad but they are still dating. I walked to them.

'Hey!' Jason when he spotted me. 'I was just telling Piper what you did.'

'Hi I don't think we're officially met I'm Piper Mclean. Very impressive strategy maybe you're a child of Athena.' She said with amusement.

'Nice to meet you too Piper. And as for me being a child of Athena, I'm don't think so I'm not much of a book worm.' I said making both Jason and Piper laugh.

'Well if you could choose who your godly parent who would it be?' Jason asked.

'Well if I could choose which god would be my parent I actually don't know I suppose they all have their ups and downs.' I said thoughtful having never really thought about it before. 'But if I to guess I would say I was a child of a god or goddess of either music or water.'

'Why music or water?' Piper asked intrigued with a knowing look in her eyes because of course she, Annabeth and hazel knew who I actually was.

'Well I love to dance, sing and paint.' I started. 'But then I love being in any kind of water it's just feels so natural to me.

'So you could be the daughter of one of the Muses or Apollo. Or maybe you're a daughter of a river nymph.' Jason said and I couldn't help but notice that he didn't mention Poseidon.

Piper seem to notice this too because she said: 'You could also be the daughter of the sea god Poseidon or maybe one of the older gods of the seas.'

'Yeah you could be a Poseidon child.' Jason said with a slight distaste in his voice.

'Is there something wrong with Poseidon?' I asked.

'Not with his children.' Jason started. 'But as a son of Jupiter and a roman I'm not the biggest fan of Poseidon or his roman persona of Neptune.

'I see and what would you do if I was a child of Neptune.' I asked.

'I wouldn't hold it against you.' Jason said clearly starting to panic. 'But I would be wary of you in any fight.'

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