Chapter Two

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Annabeth pov

Percy has been acting so strange lately. It's really worrying me. I mean when he looks at me it's like he's seeing someone else's. Why would he do that. I mean it's not like he is falling for- Oh gods no! Please don't tell me had fallen for someone else. What should I do? I know, I will talk to Piper, she is a child of Aphrodite. Maybe she can help me.

'Hey Annabeth. Are you alright?' Piper said when she saw me walking to her.

'I'm not sure and I need your help.' I replied trying to keep the worry, uncertain and sadness out of my voice.

'Why? What's wrong?' Piper's cheerfulness being replaced by concern and worry.

'Well Piper as a child of Aphrodite you can sense love right?' I asked trying to stay clam.

'Yeah most children of Aphrodite can. So what do you need?' Piper asked sounded confused now.

'Can you sense if Percy has fallen for anyone else?' I asked scared of the answer.

'No I can't sense anything. But you know Percy he is all of all kinds of love.' Piper smiled resuming. 'But why would you think that?'

I told her about what happened on the beach.

'Oh I see.' Piper said slowly. 'Well I will keep an eye on him for you. But maybe you should talk to him.'

'Okay. Thanks Piper.' I said and left. 

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