Chapter Twenty

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Penny pov

It's been a few week since the biggest change in my life happened i.e my gender changing with the help of Aphrodite, I have yet to show any of my powers and claimed by my dad. Like last time, I've proven myself to be a bit useless at most of the activities but great at canoeing. But I like it. it's peaceful and calm. 

I was at the docs by the lake, one hand in the water taking a breather after training with Piper, brainstorming ideas that might get my dad's attention. But nothing seems to mind the was as big as being attacked by a hell hound, which I definitely don't want to repeat. Not that the attack on planed. 

But I seem to be running into an issue. None of my powers seem to be working. I don't know why but I can't manipulate any water, I'm not healing, I wonder what's wrong. 

'Hey, are you okay?' I heard Nico asked me. 

'Yeah, I'm good, just a little sore. Piper is a little intense in training.'  I smiled. 

'Yeah, given with most of us have gone through, we are a little when it comes to training because if we don't train we . . . we'll . . .' Nico trailed off, looking out at the water. 

'Get killed by monster?' I asked. 

'Yeah, we are safe here most of the time but we still need to be ready.' Nico finish. 'Where are you sorest?' 

'My right shoulder.' I answered. 'I landed on it pretty hard earlier. Why do you ask?'  

Rather than answering me, Nico kneed behind and started giving me a shoulder rub. 

'Is the better?' Nico asked me after a minute or so. 

'Yes.' I said quite breathy. 'It feel really good, thank you.' 

'My please.' Nico said before going pink and stuttering: 'I-I m-mean n-no problem.' 

Nico and I were about to get up and leave the lake when we heard a scream. We looked back at the lake and saw someone was in the water. It took me all of five seconds to realize that this person wasn't swimming, but nearly drowning. So without another thought, I jumped in the water and swam towards the kid. I was just about to reach the kids when they went under, so I went under too and I could see the kid was struggling they couldn't hold their breath for much longer. 

So out of instinct, I started pushing, willing the water to move away from the kid. I meant to do it just around the kid's head so they could breathe but I overestimated my strength so I began to parting the lake like Moses did in The Prince of Egypt. I pushed the water so hard that even droplet was push from our skin and cloths. Which of course drew a crowd. 

The kid and I hit the bottom of the lake, which thankfully was only a few feet away.

'Are you okay?' I asked running to the kid and kneeling down next to them. 

'Yeah, I'm fine, thank you. How in the name of Taurus are you doing this?' The kid asked looking at the walls of the lake in wonder. 

'No clue.' I answered. 'Come on, we should move before the water decides to come down on us.' 

The two of us made a quick dash for the docs where Nico and Jason were. 

Before they could say anything. I picked up the kid and handed them to the boys which they grabbed a hand each and put the kid up. Then grab my hands and pulled me up. 

The moment I was safely on the dock, the water crashed back and there was audible gasping and pointing at me. 

'Why is everyone staring at me?' I asked, looking at Jason. 

But even he was not looking at me. He was looking above my head. I looked up and saw the Trident, the symbol of my father. 

'You are claimed.'  Chiron announced. 

'What?' I asked, pretending to be completely in the dark about what was happening. 

'All hail, Persephone Jackson, daughter of Poseidon god of the seas, Lord of horses and the Earth-shaker.' Chiron said as everyone kneel in front of me. 

"Well, that sorts out my power." I can't help but think to myself.  


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