Chapter eight

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Poseidon POV

I appeared in the cabin three to find it empty so I sat down on the bed and waited. Well I waited I couldn't help but think of what Percy letter said. How can he think this would make me think differently of him. He is my child and I love him. Regardless if he chooses to become a girl or stay is a boy. I was so lost in for I didn't realise the door open and Percy was standing there looking at me.

'You got my letter then.' Percy looked frightened and it make Percy looked frightened and it made my heart ache a little.

'Yes I did and I came to tell you something.' I said calmly.

My son looked more and more scared by the second as if he thought I was going to hit him or something.

'I came to tell you that I love you regardless if you want to be a girl or not.' I said looking at my son with proud and loving eyes.

He looked up at me with hope disbelieving and joy filled eyes. Then he spoke and his voice was so timid and so unlike Percy. 'You mean that dad?'

'Yes.' I said just as quietly as I got up and hugged my son tightly.

Percy buried his face in my chest, I could feeling tears soaking through my shirt and that's when I realised how much this meant to be my child.

'I love you too daddy.' He said looking up at me tears still in his eyes.

'I'm afraid I need to get back home I will see you next time when you are my daughter.' I said still with that loving smile on my face.

Percy return the smile and said 'I am stand I look forward to seeing you again Dad.'

'I love you Percy never forget that.' I said then I disappear.

Switch point of you to Percy
After my dad left I felt more confident with my decision. I was backed up by both my parents plus my stepfather and my three best girlfriends. And now I couldn't wait to become a girl myself. So I was going to enjoy my last night as a boy. I picked out the Bacci is close I had. And change into them after shower.

When I had the horn for dinner around to the dining pavilion and to the Poseidon table. I also took twice more food than normal so I could sacrifice most of it to my dad and Aphrodite then I went back to my table and started to eat. As I was eating Jason Frank Nico Leo Hazel Piper and Annabeth walked up to my table and joined me.

'Hey man you get more of your dinner then usual are you alright?' Jason asked looking concerned.

'Yeah I'm fine it's just I have to go see my mum for a few weeks.' I said smiling at my friends.

'Oh is something wrong with your mum?' Frank asked looking worried. I know what he meant given that he had lost his own mother.

'Oh no Frank nothing bad it's just my mum is making a big fuss about how I'm growing up and all that so she wants me closer than ever.' I said in mock annoyance and equalling Rico and Annabeth sniggering at me I'm getting confuse looks from everyone else.

' how do you like to pretend to be all upset about how mum smothers him secretly he loves it. You see he's a giant child and a mama's boy.' Annabeth giggled.

'Really?' Jason asked me looking disbelieving. 'You're a mama's boy?'

'You've never seen me with my mum.' I said blushing.

'So we are going to be without you for a few weeks?' Leo asked looking down at the idea.

'Yeah sorry man.' I said suddenly feeling bad and guilty for lying but I wasn't ready to tell them the truth.

'Oh well I'm sure we can find some other way to entertain ourselves.' Hazel said looking between Leo and Frank.

'Yeah I'm sure you all bored to death without me.' I said sarcastically making everyone laugh.

'So when do you leave?' Nico asked me looking somewhere between sad and relieved.

'Oh in the morning.' I said. 'I will be leaving early so I can annoy my by arriving before dawn.'

'What time do you plan to get up and go?' Jason asked me.

'Five or six in the morning.' I said with a shrug. 'Hey I said I was going to annoy her.'

'So we go to make the most of tonight.' Leo announced. 'What should we do?'

'We will go to the campfire of course!' Piper said.

'Then we should would a watch a few movie together.' Hazel said smiling.

'Yeah you still got a lot culture to catch up on.' Frank agreed.

'But what kind of movie shall we watch?' Leo asked.

'A horror.' Annabeth said.

'No! Something romantic.' Said Piper.

'No, comedy!' Leo announced.

'How about a romantic comedy.' Frank said trying compromise.
How about some think about the gods? You know how the mortals reject them as.' Nico said looking bored at the argument.

'I don't mind.' Hazel said looking as bored as her brother.

'How about A Disney movie I suggested

'Second.' Hazel yelled pecking up.

'Third.' Nico said making us look at him in surprise. 'What?' He said. 'I can't have a soft side?'

'I'm okay with Disney as long as we don't watch Hercules.' Jason said.

'Yeah Disney.' Piper said smiling like a little kid now.

'Disney it is.' Annabeth said looking bored and give me a glare.

We finish your dinner and went our separate ways, waiting for the campfire tonight.

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