43 🌟Monika x Sayori🌟

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Speciality Lounge


"Ms. Monika, a Ms. Sayori, has arrived. Would you like me to bring her to the specialty lounge?" Butler Erin said, looking at the brown haired maiden.

"Yes, Erin, that would be delightful. The specialty lounge is literature club exclusive after all." Monika said, looking at Natsuki and Yuri, with a smile.

Erin left, and brought Sayori towards the lounge. Sayori saw the bright lights and colors the lounge had offered, knowing that it was very expensive.

As she arrived, Monika already had the table set with tea (from Yuri), cupcakes (from Natsuki), and sandwiches. Sayori had brought salad, which Monika had a bowl by each plate for when they were ready for the salad.

"Yay! Sayori, you have made it!" Monika said excitingly, looking at the coral haired girl with a smile.

"Oh Monika..." Yuri said, pointing to the growing blush on her cheeks.

Monika immediately turned her expression back, since she didn't want Sayori to know.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Sayori smiled, and sat down right next to Monika.

Ba-dump. Ba-dump. Ba-dump.

Monika's heart began to beat faster and faster. Natsuki caught on to this quickly, but she had already known that Monika liked Sayori. Monika was quiet the entire time they ate their lunch.

"Monika, are you okay?" Sayori asked, looking at the brown haired girl.

"I'm f-fine." Monika said, with a studder.

"No you aren't." Sayori said, thrusting herself onto her, hugging her.

Monika hugged back, and whispered, "I am okay, it's just that I'm in love with you."

"You could've just told me because I love you as well." Sayori whispered back and kissed Monika.

So I'm really behind on here, and I'm sorry.

I'm going to spend the time I have to get caught up.

*here's a cookie*

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