18 {Sayori x Monika}

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Dear Sunshine


"Sayori?" Monika asked, as she looked into the dark room.

Frightened, she scurried over to the back of the room. A burst of lightning hit outside, brightening the room up for a split second.

"Sunshine, will you ever come back to me?" A frightened Sayori said, just a few feet from Monika.

As the next lightning bolt struck, Monika could finally see Sayori, and went towards her.

"Who's there?" Sayori said, her voice frail.

The next lightning bolt hit a nearby power line, causing the power to short out.

The house was dark, and Monika knew that she needed Sayori.

"It's me, Monika." Monika said, now right next to Sayori.

Sayori wrapped her arms around Monika, and Monika could feel her shivering.

"How much longer are we going to be under the storm?" Sayori asked her, still wrapped around Monika.

"Until the sunshine seeps through the windows," Monika instructed.

"Until then, Monika, you will just have to be my sunshine."

And with that moment, Monika kissed Sayori's forehead.

"I will be your sunshine,"



Codes | DDLC {One-shots}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora