09 {Natsuki x M! Reader x Yuri}

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Literature Recommendations

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"Hey Yuri, do you have any recommendations for me?" Y/N smiled nervously.

"She's going to think I'm crazy, guys don't usually ask girls for recommendations. Unless they like them."

"I have for you. It's called the Portrait of Markov."
Yuri smiled, and looked at Y/N's expression which was clueless.

"So what is the book about?"

"It's about a human experiment camp." Yuri's expression turned into a pained smile.

"That's cool. Maybe I'll read it someday."

"Or you could read it later." Yuri smiled, while handing Y/N a copy of the book.

"See ya later." Y/N said, and Yuri blushed with excitement.

Y/N walked over to the other side of the classroom, and found Natsuki digging in the closet.

"Whatcha doing, Natsuki?" Y/N said, while offering a helping hand to the pinkette.

"Trying to find my manga. Monika usually moves it." Natsuki said, and she was struggling.

"Is this the box where your manga is?" Y/N pointed to the box and pulled it off the shelf.

"Yes! Thank you!" Natsuki grabbed the box, and fell.

Y/N caught her, and you both blushed at each other.

Natsuki smiled, and you guys wanted to stay like that.

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