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ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।



-Y/N's POV-

Just one call from Jaeyoon made your day completely; he told you that Taeyang and you could stay together after he talked with their manager and his superiors, you were beyond happy about the words he said but at the same time you wondered why Taeyang didn't call you himself. You thought that maybe he was way too occupied to tell you so you asked Jaeyoon about their schedule and so you decided to go and visit him.

Currently, you are searching for the studio they are in making a photo shoot, according to Jaeyoon. And for your surprise everyone was there at the entrance door, they were happy to see you and you can tell that they missed you even if it's been just a few hours since you last saw them.

-Zuho and I have great ideas for the track – Youngbin said happily while Zuho, Youngbin and you started to walk around the room.

-I'm excited to hear it – You smiled. –I have other ideas for the verses and the rap too – You added.

-Oh, nice! – Zuho clapped. –We can make some room in our schedule for working on it today, I really want to start – Zuho admitted.

-Sure we can! The presentation is going to be like at 9:00 pm, we definitely have some time for it – Youngbin assured.

-Perfect, I'll see you at FNC when I finish something at SM Entertainment – You said.

-Great! – Zuho smiled.

-By the way, have you seen Taeyang? – Youngbin asked.

-No, why? – You said.

-Come we'll guide you to him – Youngbin chuckled.

-He looks like a fairy, not even kidding – Zuho said while taking your hand as he started to guide you towards Taeyang along with Youngbin.

By each step you took a brighter light could be seen at the end; you got inside a room which is extremely white and it looks where they are having the photo shoot, or at least it seems a part of it. You started to look around instantly and everything was so neat; light pink lights hanging from the ceiling, and some white chairs decorated with fine fabric.

-There he is – Youngbin said while pointing at him, he was absolutely stunning; top and bottom are a beautiful pure white, a flower crown around his blonde hair and his innocent look towards the camera.

-Y/N! – Taeyang said happily as soon as he saw you standing there with Zuho and Youngbin by your side.

-We'll let you talk but we'll come later for you – Zuho winked.

-See you around – Youngbin said while patting your head before leaving with Zuho.

Taeyang got towards you happily while you saw Jaeyoon going towards the camera; it was his turn for some photos so you throw him dumbs up since he turned around to see you, which made him smile immediately.

Show Me || Yoo Taeyangजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें