2 || Just in dreams

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Both of you arrived to your house after being almost five hours at the company with Taeyang, and to be honest you are feeling pretty nervous and concerned since you don't know if Taeyang listened to you and Hwiyoung talking. You know it's true that sometimes you get hurt by his actions, and sometime his words... but you like to be with him anyways.

Once you two got inside your house Taeyang left his bag on top of the bar from the kitchen that has access to the living room, and in the meanwhile you were going right towards the couch from the living room.

-Do you mind if I take a quick shower? – Taeyang asked while looking inside his bag.

-No, go ahead – You said while resting on top of the cosy couch, then when you heard Taeyang heading towards the bathroom you took the guitar next to the couch and you started to play one of the melodies you composed.

While playing the melody your mind started to fog up in a lot of thoughts, starting off with Hwiyoung and his words that really gave you a lot of chills and answers as well. Then you thought about Taeyang's parents and the difference in between your mom and them. "Well, Taeyang's mom is pretty cool, but he's father is the problem" – You thought as you kept playing the guitar. And finally you thought about him, how he's feeling, what he's feeling, and which is the best way to help him out?

-If I could only find a way to know what you think – You said while looking down to your fingers playing the peaceful and lively melody.

Right before you could sigh or say anything else to yourself Taeyang came towards you, he was already changed and he was cluttering his wet hair with the towel while walking towards you.

-That's a nice melody – Taeyang said as he sat beside you.

-Hmm, thanks. I finished it last week – You said while looking at him happily, then you placed the guitar away and you started to look at Tae with a smile.

-What's the matter? You want me to say something? – Taeyang asked as he looked at you with a smile.

-Not really, I just want to look at you.

-Is that so? Okay, but I'll remind you that we came to watch movies – Taeyang said as he looked at you, then he chuckled.

-Right, pick it out – You said while getting comfy on the couch.

-Alright – Taeyang said as he placed the towel away and then he sat next to you.


Taeyang picked out one of the movies you two enjoy the most, but since you were really cosy next to him you started to fall asleep and even if you didn't wanted to you were exhausted for some reason. Right after that you felt a complete silence in the room, you thought that maybe the movie was over and that Taeyang didn't wanted to wake you up so he stayed there, until you felt a tight embrace around you.

-Tae..? – You said with a slow tone while looking by your side.

-Did I woke you up? – Taeyang asked sleepy while looking at you.

-No, I... I wasn't fully asleep – You said before you yawned.

-Hmm, and why's that? – Taeyang asked as he started to cuddle up beside you.

-Because I was thinking about you – You said without hesitation.

-Odd, I was thinking about you too – Taeyang said before he kissed your forehead.


-I love you Y/N, I always did – Taeyang said before he looked at you with a smile.

You opened your eyes little by little making you realise that what happened was just a dream, "Not again" – You thought while looking at Taeyang sleeping next to you. "At least this wasn't faked" – You thought with a settle smile while caressing Taeyang's hair.

You feel dumb for dreaming such stuffs when you are with him like this, you don't like to since you know how he feels about relationships. In spite of his low self-esteem, you know that he needs someone next to him, someone that can support him and tell him that he's doing a good job and that he's making everyone happy. You know how much he needs his father's approval since he truly loves him, but you also know that he needs to feel proud and happy for all the things he has done so far.

-I wish I could be that person – You said while looking at him with a smile.

-Hmm, what are you talking about Y/N? – Taeyang said while waking up like a little baby. "Oh, crap" – You thought while looking at him nervously.

-N-Nothing, I was just thinking about the lyrics for a new song – You said while smiling nervously.

-Oh, okay – Taeyang said as he looked at you with a sleepy smile.

-It's night time already, you should head back home – You said while looking at him.

-Yeah, I will – Taeyang said kindly. –Well, I see you later, okay? – Taeyang said as he stood up from the couch and then he gave you a warm hug.

-Yeah, see you – You said while smiling kindly.

Right after that Taeyang left with all his stuffs and as soon as he got out from your house you sighed, then you received a message on your phone.

You looked at the phone screen showing off Hwiyoung's text.

-"How are you?" – Hwiyoung. When you read the text you didn't wanted to reply to him with a simple okay so you started to call him, and luckily he answered.

-So I bet you aren't okay, right? – Hwiyoung said playfully.

-Don't laugh! It's not funny, I dreamt about him again and you called just in time since he barely left – You complained.

-Whoa~ Y/N take it easy, you'll be fine – Hwiyoung said kindly.

-If you say so, but I'm honestly surprised that you send me that text right after he left – You said as you started to go upstairs to your room.

-*Chuckle* just pure coincidence.

-I see that – You said before you chuckled.

-So how was your day with him? – Hwiyoung asked.

-Pretty good, I mean he wasn't talking about his skills at all – You said thoughtful.

-Hmm, you think he heard us talk? – Hwiyoung asked concerned.

-No, I don't think so. He just told me that he heard his name – You said a bit concerned.

-Well, let's see what happens tomorrow – Hwiyoung said before he sighed.

-Yeah, I bet tomorrow will be a fun day – You said happily.

-Yes, a fan meeting is always great – Hwiyoung said pleased. – Oh, by the way are you alone at home?

-Yes, why? – You asked while sitting on the edge of your bed.

-Just wondering, any ways you should get some sleep and relax, okay?

-Okay, but... do you think we can meet another day? I want to see you – You said a bit shy.

-You want to see me? *Chuckle* okay, maybe tomorrow at the end of the day if you want – Hwiyoung said happily.

-Okay, so I'll see you then.

-Deal – Hwiyoung said. –Sweet dreams Y/N.

-Sweet dreams Hwiyoung.

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