The Ram

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~Katsuki's P.O.V~

I stared at the greenette as I let go of his horn. He smiled up at me, tilting his head to the side as he did. I felt my face heat up as my heart skipped a beat at the cute display. I turned my head up to the sky, facing the bright moon shining down on us. Then I remembered. I faced the ground as I groaned, facepalming. I dragged my hand down my face as I murmured, "f*ck, I'm f*cking lost..."

"Lost? Do you want me to take you back?" Izuku asked as I faced him.

"You don't even know where I f*cking live. How can you lead me back?" I replied.

"Just follow me." Izuku walked off, going passed me as he waved his hand for me to follow.

I complied like a lost puppy, tailing after him. We walked down the side of the mountain with ease, keeping to the middle of dirt the pathway. Izuku came to a sudden halt, causing me to stop as well. He turned his head to the side, ears perked. He reached out a hand, telling me to grab hold. I complied, taking his hand before being dragged down the mountain side. He noticed me stumbling and dragged me onto his back as he continued to slid down. I held onto him tight, closing my eyes as I kept my head down. The sliding came to a halt, causing me to lift my head. We were about 20m off the ground.

"Hold on tight." Izuku said before bolting down the dirty, muddy, rocky ground.

I gripped onto him like my life depended on it. He kept a steady balance, hitting and swatting away branches as he went. We eventually stopped, finally at the bottom of the mountain. I hopped off his back, landing on solid ground once more.

"Thanks." I murmured, scratching the back of my neck as I looked up at the greenette.

"You're welcome!" Izuku smiled at me, causing my face to heat up again as I turned away. "Well then. Let's get you home."

He started to walk off, waving me after him.

'Does he know where I live?' I wondered, following after him. 'Wait. Why the f*ck aren't I leading the way? And why the f*ck am I listening to this dipsh*t? F*ck it. I don't care anymore.'

After about 15 minutes of walking, we reached my house. I lived alone so I didn't have to worry about anyone seeing Izuku. I unlocked the door and entered, Izuku following me. I closed the door as the greenette ventured into the lounge room, collapsing on the couch. I headed over, peering down at the hybrid. He was fast asleep, soft snores echoing from him.

"He fell asleep. Great. Now I have a stranger in my house, asleep on my couch." I said, grabbing a blanket and draping over him.

He curled up, snuggling into the blanket as a smile graced his face. The lights were already out so I just left him, heading up to my room where I collapsed on my bed, falling asleep.


Eyes fluttering open, I yawned as I sat up, stretching my limbs away.
I looked to my side, seeing a lump on the floor. I grabbed the blanket covering the culprit and pried it off.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked, irritation evident in my voice as I started down at the greenette.

"I was cold. It was way warmer here with you. And comfortable." Izuku replied, looking up at me with sleepy eyes.

I heaved out a sigh as I placed my head in my hands. I looked back up at the hybrid. Then a question crossed my mind.

"Exactly what kind of hybrid are you?"

"A ram." Izuku replied almost instantly, seemingly fully awake.

"Ok. And why the hell were you just randomly in the same forest around the same part of the f*cking mountain as me?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Well..." he started, looking away as he scratched his cheek. "I can communicate with the forest animals and help lost travellers find their way home. They told me where you were so I followed their directions and ended up finding you there."

"...ok..." I murmured, confusion evident in my voice.

Izuku sighed as he went on, saying, "I help people who are lost. There, is that simple enough for you?"

'Where the f*ck did this sass come from?' I thought, staring down at the ram.

He stood up, stretching his limbs before walking out of my room. My gaze trailed after him as he left, closing the door after him. As his footsteps faded away, I jumped out of my bed. I quickly changed out of my clothes before casually walking out.

"What the f*ck...?" I murmured, walking into the kitchen.

A small green ram ran over to me, hiding behind my legs, quaking with fear. I looked down at him before tilting my head back up, seeing what scared him. A red wolf was peering through the glass, head pressed against it as his tongue lolled out. He was staring down at the little ram, not even noticing me till I clapped my hands. He jerked up, tongue back in his mouth as his eyes lay fixated on me. He suddenly broke the window, stepping inside the kitchen. Izuku jumped up into my arms, pressing his face in my chest.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked, irritation in my voice as I spoke.

The wolf sat down and pointed with his paw at Izuku who was shaking non-stop.

"You're not getting him." I remarked, turning and walking off.

As I stepped away, I felt a tug at my pants. With a sigh, I stopped and looked down at the wolf. With pleading eyes, he stared up at me.

"What the hell do you want Izuku for?" I asked, not wanting to deal with this.

Izuku changed in my arms, crawling round to my back as he hid, saying, "my tribe and the wolf tribe have arranged meetings which in turn say who of which tribe will cross over to the opposing tribe. I wasn't chosen, but, this wolf has been tailing me for awhile now saying that I was chosen from my tribe. I thought I lost him. Guess not."

I looked back down at the wolf who was sitting idly by, watching and listening to the conversation.

"And what the f*ck am I suppose to do about this?" I said.

The ram turned away from me, facing a random white wall. How the f*ck was I suppose to resolve this?

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