Military Villain

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•Third Person•

"Target locked on. Fire when ready."

"Roger that."

Izuku looked through the scope of his sniper, aimed right at the head of a big shot mafia boss. His finger laid on the trigger as he prepared to fire.

"Going down in 3... 2... 1..."


Izuku looked down at the boss, seeing him laying in a pool of his own blood. He let out a satisfied sigh as he stood up. He packed the sniper up in a case and jumped off the buildings edge. He tightly grasped his Gatling-gun as he fell from the 2000m height. About 10ft from the ground, he shot the gun. It hooked on a balcony edge, pulling him up slightly. He swung through the air before retracting it back. He landed in a tumble, rolling across the ground before kicking himself up into a sprint. He pulled out a remote, pressing the middle button as he ran. A few moments later, a jet black 'Ninja' motorbike came skidding down. It sped up to him till it was riding by his side. He jumped on, clicking out of autopilot as Izuku turned onto the busy streets of Tokyo.

"Thanks again, Jet Black. I owe you big time for this." A voice spoke through an earpiece.

"Just send in the money and your done."

"Will do."

They stopped speaking. Izuku pressed a button on the earpiece, causing it to slowly form into a black helmet, covering his face entirely. Only his long flowing green hair could be seen. For a 13 year old, he's pretty bada$$. He sped along the streets, ignoring the red lights and police sirens going off behind him. He picked up speed, going 250km an hour now. He skidded round a corner, bolting down the traffic filled road. He rounded more corners, losing the police as he did. He slowed down, driving into a narrow alleyway. Izuku parked his bike before jumping off, pressing autopilot as he hid behind a dumpster. The motorbike drove off once again, leaving Izuku there.

"That's another job done. I seriously need some rest." He sighed, changing the helmet back into an earpiece as he placed the sniper case down before leaning against the brick wall.

He closed his eyes, pulling down his faux mask as he heaved out a sigh. He pulled his jackets hood over his head and turned the earpiece off, curling up into a ball as he slowly fell asleep.
"Hey kid. Wake up."

Izuku's eyes fluttered open as he blinked away sleep. He looked up at three teens staring down at him with concern written in their eyes.

"What're you doing down here? Are you alright?" A tall blackette girl asked.

'Do I give them the real answer or fake? Hmm... think I'll go with fake.' "I'm waiting for a friend to call so I can get a ride back to their place. And I'm fine." Izuku replied.

"You don't seem fine. Just look at yourself. You have major eye-bags and you're covered in dirt." A purple haired girl commented.

"I'll be fine." Izuku retorted. 'Jeez. Why can't that mind their own business. Seriously.'

"Just come with us. We can get you fixed up." The last, a pink alien like girl said, reaching out their hand.

"I said I'll be fine. I don't need your help." Izuku replied, looking away from them.

"That's one angsty kid." The purple murmured, though, Izuku could still hear.

"Well, we can't just leave them here." The blackette replied.

"Then what're we gonna do? We can't just force them." Pinky said.

'Jeez. I'm so out.' Izuku mentally sighed as he stood up.

He grabbed the sniper case and swung it onto his back before pulling up the faux mask. He turned the earpiece back on, letting it scan his surroundings.

"System operational. City block is clear. You should have no problem getting back home."

"Great. Thanks Selera." Izuku murmured as he took out the remote.

Yes, he named the AI. It's better than saying 'thanks AI'. Izuku pressed the button, alerting the motorbike that roamed around the busy streets. He put the remote back and pulled down his hood as he left the alley.

"H-hey! Wait!" The girls called, running to catch up with him.

"What is it?" Izuku sighed, turning round to face them.

"Where are you going?" The blackette asked.

"My friend notified me that he's sending his bike over. So, I'm taking that," as Izuku said that, the black ninja motorbike came to a halt right behind him. "Adios!"

He pressed his earpiece as he sat down. The helmet formed on his head as he turned off autopilot. But, before he could speed off, an aux cord stopped him. He turned to the girls with a heavy sigh. He opened the helmet up as he said, "what now?"

"We can't just let you go like that! For one, you're like a 10 year old riding a motorbike. Two, you look half dead. I don't think you should be riding like that. Three, what's in that case?" The purple replied.

"One. I'm 13, thanks and I don't care. Two. There's an autopilot mode on this, so, even if I were to supposedly blackout, I'll be fine. Three, it's just an instrument for my friend. He wanted one so I got one for him," Izuku retorted. "Is that all?"

"Sorry to interrupt. But, there are police on there way here." Selera said.

"What?! Dammit," Izuku cursed under his breath. "Well, I gotta go. See ya!"

He pulled down the helmet and took off. As soon as he did, he felt a sudden weight tug around his neck, choking him a bit. Putting the bike on autopilot, he turned all the way around and pulled the girl who decided it was a good idea to grab onto him onto the bike. It was the blackette, surprise surprise. He took out a spare helmet and pulled it on her head.

"Why did you grab me?" Izuku asked, irritation obvious in his voice.

"I couldn't just let a child drive off like that." She replied.

"I give up..." the greenette sighed. "What's your name?"

"Momo Yaoyorozu. And you?"

"I go by Jet Black Rider around here. Or just Jet Black."

"Jet Black, huh? By the way, we're are we headed?"

"Just hold on tight. I can't be bothered to go back and drop you off back with your friends. Oh, and try not to fall off." Izuku turned back round and gripped the handles as he switched back to normal.

He kicked into high gear, driving at his usual 250km an hour. Momo wrapped her arms around the boys waist, holding on tight as Izuku drove on back to his hideout.

Story idea from GSlaughter169 'FMJ'. Check it out. It's awesome.

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